Selling marketing

It’s your job as an agent to help your vendor separate their home from all the others on the market. My Coaching Tip today is all about selling marketing, and I’m going to show you one of the greatest skillsets you can ever build in your career.

I’ll give you tips and tricks that will make you a phenomenal salesperson, beginning with establishing belief and building a great system. I’ll explain how to present pricing and make options simple for the client to decide.

We’ll look at all the elements you’ll be showing your clients, including physical materials and visuals, digital marketing, and payment solutions. You need to go in with the belief that you’ll be going live to market, and prepare for that.

I’ll show you how to differentiate that property under any market conditions. Selling marketing really is about knowing how to manage and use your resources to tell the stories that will make the sales, even if the client has to fly in to see the property.

Fast Pace Ep 71 – The age of the customer

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at balancing customer service and profit margins in the age of the customer. They talk about how roles are changing, what’s most important to the customer, AI applications for improved customer insights, and products that provide a better customer experience with your organisation.

Founders S2 Ep 2 – Josh Phegan interviews Daniel Bignold from Propps

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan is joined by Daniel Bignold, CEO of Propps, to discuss how proptech helps agents run their businesses more efficiently. They talk about optimising the offer flow and maintaining consistency in the sales process. Daniel illustrates how customers can make binding and non-binding offers online, and steps us through the way the process works and what the result looks like.

Ep 333 – Refresh the pipeline

In this week’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk through how to hit refresh on your pipeline. With less buyers at opens, more sellers are in your database than ever before. What can you say? And how can you progress them to market?

You can list it but can you sell it?

In today’s market, you can list it, but can you sell it? Before, you could often sell a property in just a few days, but things have changed. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how to change your process, find buyers, and run a great campaign.

The first key is making the right buyer match. I’ll explain how to do that by looking at similar properties you’ve sold over the past several months, and I’ll tell you how to make prospecting calls based on what happened with those properties.

I’ll give you rules of engagement with timeframes for appointments and offers and show you how to manage campaigns logically rather than emotionally. And I’ll show you how you can use a tape measure to create a sense of urgency with prospective buyers.

Hope is not a strategy. You’ve got to have a plan so you can show your sellers exactly what you’re going to do to list it and sell it. Then if the market doesn’t perform, they can’t blame you because they’ll know you’ve done everything possible to sell their home.

Fast Pace Ep 70 – Business ready for market cycles

This Fast Pace episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discussing business cycles, the property clock, and why current cycles are speeding up significantly. They look at high inflation events, adaptability, supply and demand shocks, cashflow coverage, building a resilient infrastructure, preparing for declining markets, and going granular to create value.

Founders S2 Ep 1 – Josh Phegan interviews Rhys Rogers from Before You Bid

This podcast features Josh Phegan interviewing Before You Bid CEO, Rhys Rogers. BYB is a supply portal for access to pest and building reports and strata reports. They discuss benefits and considerations around making pest and building reports easily accessible, consumer confidence and loss protection for vendors, inspectors’ concerns, increasing auction attendance, and how access to these reports with full transparency from the start speeds up the entire process.

Power of meetings

Getting an offer on a property is not just about the purchase price. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to find the leverage point in every negotiation by finding out and understanding all the elements of an offer.

You need to know all the terms of the deal before you present it to the client. I’ll show you where to find the leverage point by asking the right questions as you evaluate the elements of the deal.

Most agents think their only leverage point is multiple buyers, but what if you only have one buyer? In that case, the leverage point is on that buyer, and I’ll show you why you need to find out the particular reason the customer prefers this home over others.

The leverage point actually has nothing to do with the market; professional negotiators don’t deal on price. It’s all about why this buyer wants to buy this home because urgency drives price in any market.

Ep 332 – Selling marketing

Today’s High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on why selling marketing is so important today. Alex notes that property ownership costs have doubled in the past six months, that clients view off-market sales as a less expensive option to marketing, and he tells how to show them that advertising is still necessary. Josh explains why he currently does buyer matching based on features rather than price and encourages private appointments instead of open for inspections.

Josh and Alex offer insights around marketing to position the property by differentiating it, improving influence with buyers, knowing when you need to re-list a property and change the marketing for it, and giving your owner options when you’re selling marketing to them.

Find the leverage point

Getting an offer on a property is not just about the purchase price. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to find the leverage point in every negotiation by finding out and understanding all the elements of an offer.

You need to know all the terms of the deal before you present it to the client. I’ll show you where to find the leverage point by asking the right questions as you evaluate the elements of the deal.

Most agents think their only leverage point is multiple buyers, but what if you only have one buyer? In that case, the leverage point is on that buyer, and I’ll show you why you need to find out the particular reason the customer prefers this home over others.

The leverage point actually has nothing to do with the market; professional negotiators don’t deal on price. It’s all about why this buyer wants to buy this home because urgency drives price in any market.