
You have to use your database to be good, and in my Coaching Tip today, I’ll introduce you to the databaser concept. I’ll show you why your data is based on relationships and guide you to the listings, sales and referrals it will offer you for the rest of your career.

Strategic review

The best thing you can do at year’s end is a strategic review of your business, and in my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you the three things that drive growth, how to find and remove whatever isn’t working for you, and I’ll help you reposition yourself for the new year.

23 and you

As a business owner, you need to know what’s really happening in this market. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today, I’m looking at 23 and you, what to do for an early start in the new year, and how to do more transactions this January than ever before.

Consistent flow

You know the power of open for inspections, but you need a consistent flow of them. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how to use your off-market listings to maintain that even flow of homes every Saturday, and help you prepare for your new campaigns in 2023.

The three lists

Your massive database means nothing if you don’t do anything with the data. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll give you three lists that will help you build the critical high-performance skills you need to use that data and build an incredible business.

Data driven performance management

Numbers never lie, and in my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today, I’ll talk about data-driven performance management, skills to build momentum and meet your target, numbers you need to track, and two key things you must do to get performance management right.

Skill shortage

After two years of doing business in a virtual world, we’re back in the workplace with a skill shortage for a very different market. In today’s Coaching Tip, I’ll show you the basic skill sets you need and how to develop them, and I’ll share secrets from some of the biggest businesses in Australia.

Building for growth

Whether you were lucky in 2021 or hoping to be in 2022 it’s time to start building for growth, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll help you review 2021 and build for growth in 2022 by knowing your numbers and getting strategic with your business, starting right now.

The 2022 transition

Learning to surf is a great way to look at the 2022 transition, and in my new Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how 2022 is going to be different and how to transition fast, give you fresh relevant dialogue, and introduce you to a whole new set of skills you’re going need.