Fast Pace Ep 84 – Pricing services

In today’s episode of Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan get clear on the process of pricing services. They examine factors to consider for setting values, pricing models and price points, demonstrating market value, and learning what’s valuable for the customer.

Fast Pace Ep 83 – Brand positioning

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at brand positioning, why it’s important and how to do it right. They discuss the difference between marketing and brand positioning, setting your brand story, identity, values and customer expectations, creating scalability, and working in collaboration.

Fast Pace Ep 79 – Running a great sales meeting

This Fast Pace episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discussing what’s needed for running a great sales meeting. They look at energy management, productive use of time, recognition for great sales, and making it fun. They show why you need rules and an agenda, and they note that people should leave the meeting knowing what to do next. 

Fast Pace Ep 78 – Landing great people

Today on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan show how to land great people for your business. They talk about some of the things exceptional people look for, how to show them you’ll provide their best environment with guiding principles to grow and succeed, how to get past the resistance barrier, and what to do for a great on-boarding experience. 

Fast Pace Ep 77 – Great interview technique

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan show how to conduct a great interview that makes candidates feel good about your organisation. They recommend that you know what you’re recruiting for, look for quality attributes, and have a structure with key questions ready. They also discuss digital vs. face to face and the STAR technique.   

Fast Pace Ep 76 – The war for talent

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss sourcing and the war for talent. Insights include the need to always be recruiting, creating new positions to bring good people in, having a process for replacement, building an attractive environment where people can excel, and demonstrating leadership and support.

Fast Pace Ep 75 – Business intelligence

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan explore business intelligence and insights inside the data. They look at data driven decision making, fully utilising the tools you have, small moves that make big shifts, capturing customer moments that matter, combining data sources for fuller insight, and becoming aware of unconscious behaviours.  

Fast Pace Ep 74 – The game of retention

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look beyond great recruitment to the next level: Great retention. It takes a mindset for recognising and supporting potential, enforced accountability, a sense of purpose beyond money, caring and interest in your people, and active, intentional gratitude. 

Fast Pace Ep 70 – Business ready for market cycles

This Fast Pace episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discussing business cycles, the property clock, and why current cycles are speeding up significantly. They look at high inflation events, adaptability, supply and demand shocks, cashflow coverage, building a resilient infrastructure, preparing for declining markets, and going granular to create value.

Fast Pace Ep 69 – Coaching for performance

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan offer tips to business leaders on coaching for performance. They talk about people’s willingness to be coached, characteristics of an effective coach, questioning to coach for a solution, and the questions that need to be asked.