Electric energy

You need an incredible amount of energy to be a great agent. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how to generate electric energy with customers, ask great questions, find the sellers and buyers in a declining market, and get back into that winning position.

Ep 329 – Mapping consumer experiences

In this podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss mapping consumer experiences, standards for 6-star service, coaching your team with options they can use to win the listing, and touchpoints that show the vendor you’re there for them every step of the way.

Ep 318 – Great experiences for vendors

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on building a great vendor experience with intensity, great communication and buyer activity, using the happy-anxious-sad formula, and keeping customer confidence high. 

Hybrid teams

The quality of your leadership skills has to increase tenfold if you’re leading hybrid teams. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you basic leadership models, key skills that make hybrid teams work, and how to set your post-covid culture.

Fast Pace Ep 20 – The sales leadership function

This Fast Pace podcast features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on the sales leadership function, who should fill the position, different approaches to sales management, and the pros and cons of outsourcing the task. They compare techniques for coaching salespeople and list the key metrics that determine success. They explain that the sales leadership function is ultimately to interpret the numbers and metrics of sales, and communicate the meaning of those elements in a way that helps people perform at their best.  

Ep 287 – Starting each day with momentum

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about starting each day with momentum, maximising the morning, working your buyer/seller list consistently, building momentum and obligation with clients, and being their most trusted advisor.

Fast Format – July 2021

Hit-refresh. Watch Fast Format now. During the session, Josh will cover the latest market changes across Aus and NZ, how to hit refresh and get back on the radar of your goals, the best ways to progress your pipeline, how to rapidly grow you and your team, get motivated, energised and ready for what’s ahead.

Fast Pace Ep 17 – Digitally fed workflow

This episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on the shift to a digitally fed workflow and how agents are using these new mechanisms to improve workflow and documentation. They discuss the need to make things easier and how digital improves what we do, how it helps us understand the customer better and deliver the information they need, and actually makes more human moments that really matter possible. 

Great seller service

You’ve got to stay focused on providing great seller service. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll give you the tools to deliver by communicating clearly to everyone in real-time, managing seller expectations, and staying in control.

Values evidenced

Your values set the rules for the game and this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip is about values evidenced by behaviours. I’ll show you how to get clear on your values, communicate them every day, and make sure your people are living out the culture you want to create.