Bigger vision – work for what you want

The most important thing you’ll ever do is to set a bigger vision for your life around what you want. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you that when you work for what you want there are no distractions and all the energy you need to get you there.

In these times it feels like that personal mission you’re here to achieve is engulfed in a fog and you can’t even see a step ahead. What I know is, these conditions will clear, and you’ll need that big bold vision because this world will continue to challenge you.

I’ll illustrate what the bigger vision looks like and why you’ve got to be hungry for what you want. Get that clarity and you can start to do the work that will get you there. It’s all about intent and I’ll give you some powerful questions to help you reach that fulfilment.

Appreciation, gratitude, and opportunity will all help you work for what you want, but it’s the pursuit of achievement that really drives you. You know you’ve got more potential than you’re using. It’s time to begin your quest to achieve what you want.

Fast Pace Ep 30 – Defining customer experience

This Fast Pace episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on defining customer service, why that’s important and how to do it. They show how to define customer points of pain and what they really want, ways to provide service and build trust around those points, and how to charge for the value of the customer experience you provide.

Team engagement

One of your most important skills as a leader is making sure your team is fully delivering your ultimate customer experience. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how to make sure you’ve got team engagement at the highest levels of your organisation.

Engagement is especially difficult in the hybrid environments we’re working with today. I’ll help you drive engagement by establishing clarity around what your people are there to do and placing purpose at the centre of it all.

Especially now in the COVID era leaders must employ innovative new engagement measures because this is not done yet. I’ll give you some examples of things you can do to help your team stay focused, motivated and engaged.

It’s up to you to drive your team engagement. I’ll show you how to use a plus-dot-minus chart to measure how good we are at meeting our goals and moving together in the same direction. Nail this with your team and you’ll win in any situation.

Ep 297 – Fixing follow-up failure

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss what to do after market appraisals, how to add value to sellers on your seller hitlist, what to do when you’re competing for the listing to win, and the secrets to building repeat and referral business from past clients.

Then what? 3 lists

So you do the market appraisal, the buyer appointment, the listing presentation – then what? In this Coaching Tip, I’m talking about 3 lists of steps to get clear on what comes next in the customer’s experience with you after you cover the basics.

What you want to know is the problem the customer wants to solve by selling and moving. Once you know that, you’ll know what to do next. I’ll help you get clear on the customer journey and how to facilitate experiences.

You win the business by always thinking about what the next steps are, especially when you lose a listing presentation. I’ll tell you what you need to do next and why you never leave a meeting without knowing what that next step is.

You never have to ask, Then what? I’ll give you some examples of ways to stay steps ahead of where the customer is right now. You can lead them to their desired ultimate outcome by knowing what they want and what to do to get them there.

Fast Pace Ep 29 – The big shift to being a director in a business

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss the big shift to being a director in a business, what directors actually do, and what allows you to play at this level. They look at the role of director as partner, leading by example, responsibilities, expectations and accountability, and how individual director’s styles can contribute.

Ep 296 – Surfing the tidal waves

Today’s High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on surfing the tidal waves of all the listings we’re expecting at the end of September. Alex explains why he’s focused on listing and selling now, and where he believes customers’ focus will be coming out of lockdown. Josh questions whether established agents with past clients have an unfair advantage over newer agents, and they project on how the market could look in December.

Alex and Josh discuss growing a team now to increase productive capacity, confirming whether buyers are emotionally and financially ready to commit, and Josh ends on going in early rather than later, and giving sellers a reason to do something now.

Founders Ep 1 – The new era of digital workflow

In this podcast, Josh Phegan & David Choi interview Angus Ferguson, Commercial Director of Agent Solutions at Domain Group. In this first episode, we talk through the journey from taking bids at auctions and distributing sales results to signing agency agreements and contracts digitally, the rise of the digital agent and how apps are reinventing workflow. Angus’s vision for the future of work is by designing customer interaction and experiences for both the real and digital world.

Find your angle

There are angles for market trends, timelines, or whatever’s happening right now. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to find your angle, what that means, and why great agents are always looking for new ones.

You’re working your pipeline all the time, and there are angles that impact what you can do. I’ll illustrate how to define the customer’s ultimate outcome, use what you know to find the angle you need, keep it fresh, and make it all easy for the customer.

I’ll step through finding out where the customer is, the problem they’re looking to solve, and validating their timeline to get it done. You must understand the reality of what they’re facing and get clear around their destination so you can get them there.

You’ll always be looking to find your angle because it’s critical to what we do as agents.  We’ve seen a rapid increase in property prices and I’ll give you an overview of what to expect next so you’ll be ready to adapt and create those winning opportunities.

Fast Pace Ep 28 – Lifting engagement across workforces of the future

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss lifting engagement across workforces of the future and what that looks like. They explore hybrid workplaces, cross-generational expectations, non-dollar-productive activities, exercises for maximising engagement, leadership that connects to people, and the plus dot minus chart for measuring engagement.