Meeting rhythms – purpose

The more often you meet, the faster you see progress. But those meetings have to have clarity of purpose, and in my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today, I’ll explain meeting rhythms and show you how to make sure your meetings do what they’re designed to do.

Your primary meetings are probably sales and property management meetings. I’ll explain those, and then we’ll look at execution and recruitment meetings. You’ll begin to see how actively talking about meetings gives you clarity around what they’re supposed to do.

Meetings are all about bringing people into a room with intent. I’ll talk about the purpose and goals of each meeting and also show you how they can get sidetracked.

As a business leader, you can hit reset on your meeting rhythms, and now is the time to do it. What you do before every meeting will make the difference in performance and guarantee success in those areas where you need growth and improvement most.

2022 Review (average sale price, volume, fee, lead source)

It’s time for your 2022 review, and in my Coaching Tip today, I’ll help you see what’s worked best for you and where you can improve, plus I’ll give you specific systems and components for earning more income in 2023 than you did over the past 12 months.

I’ll explain why you want to look at every listing you’ve won this year and why it’s critical for you to know how you met each seller. And we’ll look at all your existing lead sources to help you amplify what’s really working.

When you find what’s not working, you have to remove it, and I’ll show you how to get clarity and be data-led in everything you do. And I’ll show you what to look at to determine how well you’ve done over the course of the year.

We’ll look at your strengths and your greatest opportunities for growth in the new year. Your 2022 review will show you what to amplify in 2023. I’ll give you some forecasts for the coming year, and I’ll help you set intent for incredible success in the coming year.

The power of language

Words shape the way you feel about the things they describe. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’m going to show you the power of language and why choosing the right words is so incredibly important inside of your business.

I’ll give you examples of words like implementation vs. execution and explain how they affect what happens in your business. And I’ll show you how great business leaders get momentum fast just by choosing the right words.

I’ll demonstrate how the words you choose in naming a committee, council or board set the tone for how people feel about the level of work being done by that group of people.

The skill of a great leader is to use the power of language to inspire people to achieve their potential and give them intention about what they’re there to accomplish. Create the culture you want by using the language that defines it best.


You don’t need a big database, but you do have to use that data to be a great agent. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll introduce you to the databaser concept and show you how to mine listings, sales and referrals that will generate leads for the rest of your career.

Everyone you enter into your database is a relationship to be nurtured. I’ll tell you why it’s important to call people from your buyer/sellers category every day and give you winning dialogue for those calls.

Your next major category is market appraisals. Every time you see a listing or sale, you need to call these people. I’ll explain why your database needs to include a mapping component so you can match those listings with the right people.

Every single past client of yours is a massive opportunity. I’ll tell you how to communicate with relevance, frequency and consistency towards building and maintaining those relationships. Do the work, and you’ll bring your future forward to today.

Fast Pace Ep 85 – Core messaging

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan show how to make sure you’ve got core messaging, determine what that message is and who should deliver it, make it simple, consistent and relevant, and make sure everyone knows and understands the message.

Ep 347 – Driving productivity

Today’s High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on being highly productive. Alex presents his cornerstones for driving productivity and having passion for what you do. Josh notes that getting clarity around wanting to be the best agent you can will make you productive towards getting there. He lists actions that will keep you on the path, and Alex explains how adding a PA to his team has helped him reach that higher level of success.

They continue the discussion around growing the team so they can do more of the work, which allows you to take holidays, learning how to scale, things you can do to drive productivity into December, and making sure you always have new challenges.

Strategic review

As an agent, one of the best things you can do at the end of the year is a strategic review of your business, and in today’s Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to examine your business, get strategic with it, set your targets for 2023 and go get them.

There are three principal drivers that allow your business to grow. I’ll talk about what you need to know in order to increase your average sale price and how to use psychological pricing to present your average fee to the customer.

I’ll show you how that increase in sale price and average fee will also expand your volume of transactions, how to maintain a consistent flow of listings and always have open for inspections every Saturday.

I’ll explain what to look for in your strategic review, how to find the things that aren’t working and stop doing them, and how to use the review to make better decisions and reposition yourself for the new year.

Fast Pace Ep 84 – Pricing services

In today’s episode of Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan get clear on the process of pricing services. They examine factors to consider for setting values, pricing models and price points, demonstrating market value, and learning what’s valuable for the customer.