Get back to goals

It’s about you connecting with what you really want and how setting goals plugs you into the energy source that will get you there. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll help you get back to goals and do the things that mean the most to you in your life.

You’ve got goals for lots of areas of your life. We’ll look at personal, professional, financial, and other categories of things you’d like to gain and achieve. I’ll tell you why we stop setting goals and how to give yourself permission to dream again.

You can be a dream maker for the people around you, but first, you’ve got to get that energy around what it is that you want for yourself. Wherever you are in your life, I’ll show you where to start in setting goals and getting energetic around them.

What do you want your life to look like 5 years down the road? You get back to goals by asking yourself questions that will help you focus on the things that are most important to you. Then you can make decisions that allow you to go out and do those things now.

Fast Pace Ep 22 – The four-dimensional customer

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan define and discuss the four-dimensional customer. We look at using tech to give each individual customer a more integrated experience, consider the scope and perception of roles inside of the business, and explore ways to understand and meet the customer’s needs through internal collaboration.

Ep 289 – Getting more strategic

Today’s High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on getting more strategic about getting what you want instead of just taking whatever comes along. Alex offers advice on choosing your market, being relatable to your customers, and making the most of your marketing. He also notes that you should be known as a trusted advisor in your marketplace.

Josh outlines how customer lifecycle works and why you need to understand it. He talks about demographic trend and how it can determine your next market, taking a more strategic view around what you do, and making sure your marketplace is big enough for your aspirations.

Growth mindset

If you want to improve you need to get really clear about the way that you learn. In my Coaching Tip this week I’m examining the growth mindset and how to change your thinking so you can answer your most powerful question: What do you want?

I’ll start with a comparison of the fixed mindset and the growth mindset, and how know-it-all and learn-it-all concepts determine your results in our dynamically shifting world. I’ll help you understand these concepts so you can learn to think differently.

I’m an advocate for reading and I’ll tell you how books can rapidly unlock your thinking and change the way you work. And I’ll show you that you are capable of playing a much bigger role in your own life.

You can make the decision to have a growth mindset and become a lifelong learner. You could be just a system away from achieving your goals, but first, you’ve got to get clear on what you really want. Once you know that, the world will change for you. 

Fast Pace Ep 21 – Recurring revenue models

This week in Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at recurring revenue models as an underestimated asset for the real estate industry. We start by examining property management and growth as a business in its own right, look at opportunities with current landlords, and suggest making quality improvements to the property over time.

Stress management

One of the attributes of top performers is the ability to manage the situation. How you handle stress determines whether you win or not, and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you how to use stress management to perform at your absolute best.

I’m going to tell you where your daily stress comes from and how you can take control of those sources. You can relieve stress by narrowing your focus to the things you can actually do, and letting go of those things that are beyond your control.

There are models that can change the way you work. As an example, I’ll explain how the can do/can’t do model works, and how much more you can get done by managing your time well. Your ability to adapt and move with changes is also important for stress release.

You’ve got to look after the basics – diet, exercise and sleep – to perform at your best. Stress management means setting boundaries, cutting out bad stress, using positive stress to get results, and knowing when to back it off if it becomes too much. It’s that simple.

Fast Pace Ep 20 – The sales leadership function

This Fast Pace podcast features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on the sales leadership function, who should fill the position, different approaches to sales management, and the pros and cons of outsourcing the task. They compare techniques for coaching salespeople and list the key metrics that determine success. They explain that the sales leadership function is ultimately to interpret the numbers and metrics of sales, and communicate the meaning of those elements in a way that helps people perform at their best.

Functional roles

When you feel differently about what you do, you change the scope of your work. My Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month addresses functional roles inside of your organisation and how each individual feels about how much their role matters. 

One of my favourite things to do is ask people inside of an organisation, “Who are you and what do you do here?” It’s confronting, but I quickly discover how people really feel about what they do. And I’ll show you how to improve the way you feel about your own work.

You are capable of more and you must get clear about who does what inside of your organisation. I’ll illustrate how getting the right perspective will change the way you interact with others and recognise opportunities when you see them. 

Micromanagement won’t get you very far. It’s important that you trust your people to make decisions at their level. I’ll help you put the functional roles in place that will allow you to reach your organisation’s greatest level of success. 

Ep 287 – Starting each day with momentum

This High-Performance Podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on starting each day with momentum. Alex tells how changing your lifestyle to maximise the morning fully prepares you for the whole day. Josh shows how to learn what works so you can do more of that, and tells how getting exercise first thing in the morning makes him better at what he’s doing all day. He illustrates how to work your buyer/seller list and make that a consistent discipline every business day.

Alex explains how your client communication and good advice builds momentum with them, and instils a sense of obligation to use you. And Josh notes that consumers will always know what’s going on in the marketplace because you’ve summarised it for them.