The three lists

Your massive database means nothing if you don’t do anything with the data. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll give you three lists that will help you build the critical high-performance skills you need to use that data and build an incredible business.

USP – Make it clear

You’ve got to make it clear why the customer should use you. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll show you how to understand the needs of the three basic types of customers so you can develop your USPs and train your team to win the business.

Beyond survival

Your role goes beyond survival for your business, and in my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today, I’ll show you how to make sure new people start at a higher level and are clear from the start around what you do and what makes your brand unique.

Founders Ep 7 – Making pest and building reports accessible 

This podcast features Josh Phegan & David Choi interviewing Before You Bid CEO, Rhys Rogers, and COO, Jordan Rogers. BYB is a supply portal for access to pest and building reports. We discuss benefits and considerations around making pest and building reports easily accessible, consumer confidence and loss protection for vendors, inspectors’ concerns, helping agents quickly gauge buyer intent through digital intent, and how access to these reports with full transparency from the start speeds up the entire process. 

Founders Ep 6 – Innovating with payment processing gateways

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan & David Choi are joined by Julian Antonescu of Money Me, which provides financial credit with the speed and convenience of digital access. Julian explains how his List Ready product gives agents control over the buy now pay later model. We examine risk management around vendor paid vs. agent paid marketing, digital payment processing gateways for real estate, lowering customer barriers to entry, increasing vendor options and support, and resolving agent barriers to adoption.

Ep 299 – Lessons for when regulators intervene

Today’s High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on government intervention in the property cycle, the effects of government regulations on negotiation, and aligning owners’ expectations around market dynamics.

Then what? 3 lists

Once you’ve done the basics – Then what? In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll give you 3 lists for knowing what the customer wants, how to facilitate their experiences with you, and what steps to take as you lead them to their desired outcome.

Ep 296 – Surfing the tidal waves

In this podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss surfing the tidal waves of the upcoming market, whether there will be more or fewer listings at end of year, where customer interest will be after lockdown, and confirming buyers are qualified to commit.  

Ep 294 – Bringing deals together

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on keeping the pulse on by using case studies to progress vendors, handling solo offers, setting reasonable expectations, negotiating challenges, creating competition, and keeping on top of dynamic markets.

Ep 286 – Listing skills for new agents

In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss listing skills for new agents around building confidence and gaining experience with the listing presentation, they show the importance of case studies, and advise taking notes before and during the presentation.