The three lists

Your massive database means nothing if you don’t do anything with the data. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll give you three lists that will help you build the critical high-performance skills you need to use that data and build an incredible business.

Motivation commitment

It’s motivation that makes a market fluid and commitment that completes the transaction. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll examine the motivations of buyers, sellers and you as an agent, and I’ll show you how your understanding of these elements will help you win.

Ep 319 – The buyer seller market

In this podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss the big emergence of the buyer-seller market, the latent demand inside of your database of past clients who are now both selling and looking to buy, plus tips for new agents just starting out.

Building for growth

Whether you were lucky in 2021 or hoping to be in 2022 it’s time to start building for growth, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll help you review 2021 and build for growth in 2022 by knowing your numbers and getting strategic with your business, starting right now.

Founders Ep 6 – Innovating with payment processing gateways

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan & David Choi are joined by Julian Antonescu of Money Me, which provides financial credit with the speed and convenience of digital access. Julian explains how his List Ready product gives agents control over the buy now pay later model. We examine risk management around vendor paid vs. agent paid marketing, digital payment processing gateways for real estate, lowering customer barriers to entry, increasing vendor options and support, and resolving agent barriers to adoption.

Ep 297 – Fixing follow-up failure

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss what to do after market appraisals, how to add value to sellers on your seller hitlist, what to do when you’re competing for the listing to win, and the secrets to building repeat and referral business from past clients.

Then what? 3 lists

Once you’ve done the basics – Then what? In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll give you 3 lists for knowing what the customer wants, how to facilitate their experiences with you, and what steps to take as you lead them to their desired outcome.

Ep 287 – Starting each day with momentum

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about starting each day with momentum, maximising the morning, working your buyer/seller list consistently, building momentum and obligation with clients, and being their most trusted advisor.

Ep 285 – Working lockdown markets

In this week’s episode, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through how to work during lockdown periods, including how to manage vendor expectations – the 5:1 ratio, managing buyer enquiry and inspections, bringing campaigns forward, launching and listing for post-lockdown.

Great seller service

You’ve got to stay focused on providing great seller service. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll give you the tools to deliver by communicating clearly to everyone in real-time, managing seller expectations, and staying in control.