Ep 298 – The rush to the finish line.

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips & Josh Phegan discuss:
How to use the timeline method to encourage sellers to market now.
When to list for 2022.
The best way to progress customers, maintain your focus and finish this year strong.

Ep 291 – Setting goals

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on building energy through setting goals, setting reasonable goals for the current market, avoiding negativity by practising gratitude, focusing on things you can do, and how small goals lead to big ones.

Ep 290 – Managing stakeholders

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about recognizing and managing stakeholders and building long-term relationships with them, working with solicitors, listing with economic buyers and influencers, and maintaining a panel of advisors.

Fast Pace Ep 12 – Driving USPs

In this episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan talk about driving USPs. Josh begins discussion of unique selling propositions by defining what they are and pointing to the ways that businesses fail to fully support them. Dean weighs in with customer impressions and USP approaches that really stand out. Josh adds the need to find the one thing consumers will respond to and do that. Get clear on your unique components and use them.

Values evidenced

Your values set the rules for the game and this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip is about values evidenced by behaviours. I’ll show you how to get clear on your values, communicate them every day, and make sure your people are living out the culture you want to create.

Back in control

Today’s market is moving more quickly than ever before and with my Coaching Tip this week I’ll help you get back in control. I’ll show you the routines you need, and help you focus on the things that will make you a great agent and take you where you want to go.

Prospecting formula

The secret to your success is clarity around what you do and how it works. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll help you build a prospecting formula to find the answers you need to excel performance, build your business, and maintain momentum around everything you do.

The data lake and the future of business

You don’t realise the power sitting inside the data you have. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you the data lake and the future of business, and the power you’ve already got to create a customer experience that will increase your referrals.

Fast Pace Ep 2 – What builds a great culture?

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss how to build a great culture rapidly. We discuss: The role of purpose and values, how to define a brand – what it stands for, feels like, and it’s personality, what it means to be apart of your business, the essential systems to build a great business culture as it scales, the new world of recognition, awards, training and growth.

Core skills

The most important thing is to do the core of what great agents do. In this Coaching Tip I’ll focus on the basic core skills you must have if you want to earn customer loyalty,  show advantages to being your customer, and be exceptional at what you do.