Ep 336 – Stages of a campaign

This High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on understanding the stages of a campaign. Josh breaks down the steps and points out mistakes agents make when they skip stages. Alex talks about the importance of knowing what each stage means to the vendor and how to progress them to the sale. He explains the process of gaining alignment with vendor expectations and knowing where you are in the process, so you can advise the vendor and stay on the front foot with them.

Josh and Alex discuss what to do if a property doesn’t sell at auction, when to switch to for sale, how to promote your strategy to the vendor, and they advise that you always have a plan so you can get the property sold.

Find the data sets

You should be winning in your marketplace, and in today’s Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to find the data sets that will give you a competitive advantage inside of your marketplace.

I’m going to list for you all the advantages you have as an established agent in your area because you may not even realise you have them. And I’ll show you why your greatest advantage is your database.

You have incredible data sets that you’re not really using. I’ll explain why your data gives you an advantage if you use it and help you play this game in a very different way. And I’ll show you what one of my best agents does every week to keep his business moving.

Marketing alone isn’t enough. I’ll make it clear why you must have great relationships with all of your clients in today’s market. Let’s find the data sets that are going to make you great and help you build an incredible career.

Fast Pace Ep 73 – Simple rules for big results

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss simple rules that work inside any business. They note the need for a clear alignment of vision and values, having the best interests at heart, roles and responsibilities, the 9/14 rule, specific rules for rising and declining markets, and learning to both recognise what works and pivot when the market changes.

Founders S2 Ep 4 – Josh Phegan interviews Jeff Gray and Patrick Hill from Propic

This week Josh Phegan interviews Jeff Gray, CEO and Patrick Hill, CPO of Propic. Their business creates digital solutions that connect people and services 24/7. They look at the problems that Propic solve, growing and scaling businesses profitably using automation, and monetising the valuable data in your business. Jeff shows how technology interacts with agents in the sales environment and how automation allows people to do more.

Ep 335 – Bringing future plans forward

In this week’s High Performance Podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through the skill of bringing buyers and sellers to market faster. They look at:
The role suppliers, stakeholders and agents can play.
Understanding the vision and dissatisfaction of your client.
What to do, and how to say it, so consumers feel confident to proceed.

Change over costs

Professionals deal in changeover costs, not sale and purchase prices. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how and why changeover costs have increased since the property boom and how that ultimately results in some softening of prices at the upper levels.

In a declining market, there are three people who benefit from this market shift. I’ll tell you who they are and how to think about current changeover costs when you’re working with buyers and sellers.

Your greatest skill will be to work with all stakeholders. I’ll explain how to make sure your buyer is clear about what they’re planning to do and how to balance their net revenue with the amount they need to make the purchase.

Every market makes a market, and if you understand how to work with these new changeover costs, this market will be the one you make.

Fast Pace Ep 72 – Innovation lab

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss the innovation lab and shifting business performance. They address innovation as culture, encouraging collaboration, overcoming fear of change, identifying the problem first, commitment and fortitude, building a sustainable model, and connecting isolated functions together.

Founders S2 Ep 3 – Josh Phegan interviews Felicity Leggett from MoneyMe ListReady

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan is joined by Felicity Leggett of MoneyMe ListReady, which provides financial credit with the speed and convenience of digital access. Felicity explains how MoneyMe ListReady gives agents control over the buy now pay later model. They discuss the application process, lowering the customer barriers using digital platforms, increasing vendor options, and improving agent listing presentations.

Emotion vs logic

As a leader, your role is to help your people understand how to succeed. But today, we’re playing in a brand new world, and in this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll tell you about emotion vs. logic based management in our declining market.

A leader must have clarity, stability, and the ability to forecast what’s coming next. I’ll show you the 9/14 system for managing days on market and how to provide better quality deal support for buyers and sellers.

It’s time to think differently about management, and that means moving back to a logical position rather than an emotional approach. I’ll explain how to get better feedback so you can help your clients make better decisions about what to do with their property.

I’ll show you how to look for indicators of interest, get everything on track early, and maximise the sale price for your vendors. You’ll ultimately change the game by thinking logically and not getting caught up in the emotions of the day.

Ep 334 – Great business turnarounds

This High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on making great business turnarounds. Alex outlines some of the things he would do to turn his business around, and how he works mentally on a daily basis. Josh tells how to use a T-chart to get clarity on what to do and whether the problem is a system or a person. He reminds how important it is to maintain your health and always have a goal you really want out in front of you.

They discuss booking auction campaigns early, staying consistent, planning ahead rather than focusing only on today’s listings and sales, planning around holidays and other events that affect the market, and progressing customers consistently over time.