The data lake and the future of business

You probably don’t realise how much power is sitting inside of the data you already have. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll guide you through the data lake and the future of business based on the power of referrals.

When you bring all of your data together you create a data lake. This is particularly potent for franchises and office networks. But short term thinking causes too many of us to miss our biggest opportunities. I’ll show you how to see those opportunities and act on them.

It’s all about the end customer and how we can serve them in more powerful ways. The secret to being incredible around what you do is the data lake. Bring together all the consumer information you have and you’ll gain perspective on where your leads are.

Everyone could benefit from the data lake and the future of business, but they’re doing nothing with it. Wake up and use the power that’s in your CRMs right now and you’ll unlock data, relationships and technologies that will create a customer experience that’s word-of-mouth worthy.

Ep 273 – Rethinking customer experience

Today’s High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on rethinking customer experience. Josh begins with how to run and work your database, and why he now calls it a customer base. Alex talks about how and why he uses the search function in his database whenever he lists or sells, and what his customer experience looks like. They discuss how to use your diary and database to help the customer, and Alex outlines the most important details to include in your customer data as well as what not to spend time on. 

Josh emphasises having good quality dialogue with the customer and demonstrates how he does it. They warn against wasting time on reviewing notes when you could be making productive calls. And Josh advises asking the right questions to get the best information. 

Conversion conversations

It’s not about more questions. It’s not even about better questions. It’s about game changing questions, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to have those conversion conversations that will improve your level of conversion.

It’s important not only in the listing presentation, but also in prospecting. I’ll tell you the one key question you should ask at an open for inspection to find out exactly what you should do with the customer and how you can help them.

What great agents do is enable the customer and that simple question is key to you getting them in the position they need to be. I’ll explain conversion campaigns and help you understand how to gather and use the data you need.

Think about the game changing questions that you know will shift your conversion conversations in the right direction to move the customer closer to their desired result. Ask that one powerful question and you’ll be playing a much higher quality game.

Fast Pace Ep 5 – Language in business

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss the power of language in business. What can you learn from Cirque du Soleil and the fastest growing real estate firms in the country? One simple thing, they all have their unique language that typifies culture, bonds teams and drives progress.

Finding your angle: tactical conversations

You’ve got to know why customers make the decision to choose you. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll help you with finding your angle, and show you the tactical numbers that will make you look incredibly good. Then you can amplify that to new customers.

Whether you’re brand new or have been in your career for a long time you’ve got to get tactical and practical inside of the listing presentation. I’ll show you how to use the power of numbers to show that you can get the customer sold and make it easy for them. 

You can tell a better quality story if you learn to tactically present those numbers that demonstrate you’re a great agent. I’ll illustrate how that works and show you where your strengths are as a younger newer agent, and as an older agent with a career history.

Wherever you are in your career, finding your angle and using tactical listing will give you the opportunity to show who you are and what you can do for the client in a way that’s most meaningful to them. And that will make it easy for them to choose you as their agent.

Brand story: the power of key numbers

It’s all about the brand, but inside of the organisations I work with no one actually understands the attributes of their brand. In this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’m talking about your brand story and the power of key numbers you should know. 

Your brand story is the unique selling proposition you offer to the customer. It’s your USP that tells them the things that make you You and why they should choose you. Part of that is knowing the key stats that show the power you have inside of your marketplace.

I’ll list some of the key numbers you need to know at a brand level and explain how to adapt those numbers to drive your pitch during the listing presentation. Your team needs consistent brand reinforcement, not just a once-per-quarter coaching session.

As a leader, you need to present your statistics regularly and help your people understand what it is your organisation does. Know your brand story and employ the power of key numbers so you can grow your people and pitch your brand. Do it now and you’ll become truly great.

Ep 272 – Faster decisions

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss making faster decisions and using datasets to create better call lists. Alex describes how he builds dynamic call lists, keeps his team focused and creates more opportunity when the pipeline starts getting thin. Josh illustrates how to deal with buyer objection and get them sold in record time, match buyers and sellers with previous appraisals, and how great agents create momentum.

Alex talks about getting momentum by having a list of people he wants to call at the start of every day, some extra things you can do to unearth stock, and he emphasises that you’ve got to create the momentum yourself with a sense of urgency and a little bit of fear.

Stage not age: growing great talent

No matter where you are in your real estate career it’s all about the stage you’re at, not the age. With my Coaching Tip this week I’ll help you focus on stage not age, build your skills and competence, and gain the confidence you need to move forward.

You may find yourself at a plateau where you haven’t reached your Everest yet. I’ll help you define five new skills you need to master that will help you grow because there’s always something you can be working on, no matter what stage you’re at.

We’ll talk about the sales skills that will fundamentally make you a great agent and how these skills will also help your team to grow. What’s critical is that every single person has five key skills they need to master in order to build confidence and competence.

Look at your stage not age so you can get off that plateau. Start working on those five skills that will change the game for you as an agent. Get comfortable with rapid change, learn to move quickly, and anticipate what’s going to happen in the market next.

Fast Pace Ep 4 – Functional lanes

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss how to rapidly reshape your team for growth with functional lanes, including why you need to let go to grow, the skills versus what’s needed matrix, what functional swim lanes are and why specialists and generalists are needed for each stage of business growth, and how you enable people to do their best.