Ep 279 – Navigating inbound calls

In today’s High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss navigating incoming calls as they’re coming in fast and furious. Alex outlines what his organisation has been doing to address online inquiries and reduce wastage around open homes. Josh addresses efficiently handling mobile calls and Alex offers tips for keeping calls short whilst fully answering customer queries.

They share techniques and technologies they use, how much they pass on to their team members, the importance of responding to messages quickly, and Alex explains why he still uses a landline for much of his phone work.

Back in control

This market is moving quickly and you’ve never had to deal with so many buyers. With this week’s Coaching Tip, I’m going to help you get back in control by focusing on the things that will ultimately get you where you want to go.

Right now things are moving faster than most agents can keep up with. I’ll give you all the basics to build a good quality routine and commit to the things that make you great, beginning with diet, exercise, and sleep.

We’ll discuss writing daily task lists so everything gets done, working in structured sessions, and booking the number of appointments you need every day to reach your goals. And I’ll talk about investing in relationships and activities that renew you.

More than anything, it’s your vision for what you want and the goals you set to achieve it that will really put you back in control. Reduce your commitments to only the things that matter and you’ll become seriously great at what you do.

Fast Pace Ep 11 – What growth are you going for?

This week Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan address the need for visionary growth for your business. It’s the why, what and how of business growth, and Dean begins with insights on how decision making sets the subconscious mind to focus on the end goal. Josh discusses getting clear on business decision principles and how changing your focus changes your outcomes. They agree that making the decision is the secret to setting the vision that creates growth.

Ep 278 – Stepping up – going for growth

In this week’s episode of the High-Performance Podcast with Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan they discuss how agents can step up their volume of transactions from one to three, and three to ten transactions per month. It’s an episode about changing your thinking and choosing the types of problems you want to solve.


We need to massively evolve the way we communicate inside of our business. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll tell you why comms are so important. You’ll learn how to maintain a clear communications schedule so critical information doesn’t get lost.

I’ll explain ways our team communicates inside of our organisation and the comms we use for different levels of urgency. I’ll also discuss how we use Slack as an executive summary of what’s happening inside of the business, and why we use email only sparingly.

When you get clear about the way communication works it allows you to quickly find the things you need so you can operate at speed. It’s the way your business communicates that determines how fast you can operate.

Better quality conversations are what business is all about and great comms allow systems to function and flow. Get clear about when, how, and what you communicate and you’ll be better, faster, and more adaptive.

Fast Pace Ep 10 – Change management

In this episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at change management processes and practices, why change is good and necessary, and how to make it easier. Dean explains why people resist change, and Josh breaks down the action plan for implementing a new initiative and helping a team get on board with it. Dean exposes some fears people have around change and suggests making things more visible and learning to pivot quickly.

Defining culture

What’s it like to work inside of your business? In this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll explain why defining culture is so important to your business and the way you support it as a leader.

Whatever your definition of success, culture is critical to achieving it. I’ll step through some of the attributes of a great culture and help you define what you want your own business culture to be like. 

If you don’t create your culture it will create itself. You have to put the systems, people and processes in play to support your desired cultural environment. And that environment will determine who comes to work with you and who stays on with you. 

I’ll show you some things you can do right away to rapidly improve your culture. Let’s get clear around defining culture inside of your organisation so that when you grow into more locations your culture will carry over into those environments as well.

Ep 277 – Fast-paced environments

In this week’s episode of the High-Performance Podcast with Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan they discuss how to keep up in fast-paced environments. With so many different ways the customer interacts, from social inboxes, to calls, emails and SMS, what does Alexander do to keep up and stay in front? What are the go to’s to deal with an ever-increasing volume of work?

Follow-up systems

You’ve just done an incredible listing presentation and all that’s left is to get that signature. What do you do next? In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you the follow-up systems you need to help you work through with that client.

I’ll step you through some of the key things you can do and systems you can create to speed performance. And I’ll illustrate how to use your mobile phone to generate everything your team needs to move into action and deliver an amazing customer experience.

This is the way you win in business, by systemising your process so that everything happens quickly and consistently on the inside of your own team. It all begins with you gaining clarity around what to do as soon as you leave the listing presentation.

We’ll discuss some of the follow-up systems available for you to formalise your procedures and still be flexible and responsive. Leave the customer with a lasting impression that you’re seriously good at what you do and you will always win that business.

Fast Pace Ep 9 – Values in business

This week Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss and define values in business, and illustrate the benefits of those values in decision making. Dean lists quality, responsibility, mutuality, efficiency and freedom as foundational values, and Josh shares a team exercise in living out those values. They talk about health and fitness as values that impact performance, and the necessity that everyone in the organisation knows its values.