Fast Pace Ep 14 – Sales management 101

This episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discussing Sales Management 101. Dean clarifies what a sales manager actually does and outlines some of the 101s to watch out for. They talk about tactical sales management and what makes a great sales coach. Josh advises we criticise generally and praise individually, and Dean reminds us that we are not our behaviours.

PM opportunity

Property management is the biggest opportunity in real estate today, and in this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’m talking about the PM opportunity. It’s a primary part of your business, and I’m going to tell you how to get seriously good at it.

Today’s biggest companies are focused on generating recurring revenue. Property management is the subscription economy of the real estate business and I’ll explain what the property management section of your business can strategically do for you.

If you have 1000 properties under management, you have 1000 landlords. I’ll show you why it’s important for you to know where your landlords actually live themselves and how you can look after them in new and better ways.

The PM opportunity isn’t a side project, it’s the main show. It’s relatively risk-free and it can drive the saleable value of your business, become a major lead source, and grow your control in market share. It’s time to start getting better around what you do inside of your property management.

Ep 281 – What to look for in new recruits

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss what to look for in new talent for your teams. Alex and Josh list experience, skills and traits they look for in new recruits, and Alex advises doing reference checks.  Josh shares advice for husband and wife teams, and talks about hiring people with higher-level skills for sustainability over time. Alex examines why his team members tend to stay with him for years including environment, culture and remuneration.

Josh emphasises the importance of creating your own business culture and knowing why you’re hiring someone. He encourages being personally involved in helping your people invest in their own properties, build wealth for themselves, and attain a better future.

Capacity with buyers

Great agents are using technology to help them serve more customers more often. In This Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to manage capacity with buyers, from the open for inspection to the moment they’re ready to buy. 

It’s not humanly possible for you to speak with every person who comes into an open for inspection. I’ll show you how to shift your dialogue so you can help the buyer in a better way and quickly get the information you need most. 

I’ll talk about digital systems that allow you to manage more buyers, present quality online content, and track what consumers are doing at a digital level. You can also track when they’re about to move into the offline environment.

In every campaign, you’ll meet buyers to add to your buyer hit list and I’ll tell you how to spot them. It’s important that you build your systems for capacity with buyers so you can keep track of where consumers are and be there for them when they make the decision to buy.

Fast Pace Ep 13 – Rolling out new initiatives

This week Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan focus on successful rollout plans. Dean points out that everyone wants improvement but no one wants to make changes, and suggests ways to make benefits outweigh the pain. They discuss the plus-dot-minus assessment methodology, Josh explains the five-step change model, and they agree that the biggest cost in any business is wastage.

Ep 280 – Shifting markets

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on shifting markets and reasons why the market’s going to continue to fuel. Alex tells how he knows the difference between a property just being off and a downward trending market, and Josh observes that by the time the media reports a trend the market is already shifting again. They discuss the importance of understanding how market dynamics are affected by APRA, the stock market, government and the Budget.

Josh and Alex look at how COVID and the stimulus have affected the economy and customers’ ability to buy. Josh notes that great agents trade in all markets, and every market makes a market. He advises remaining level, not too giddy nor too down as the markets shift.

Great seller service

You’ve got to stay incredibly focused to provide great seller service. In this Coaching Tip, I’m talking about simple ways to stay in control and start with the end in mind so you can justify the fee you charge.

I’ll tell you why you need to set up a WhatsApp for your business and show you how to use it. With this app, your sellers, your assistants and your team can see what’s going on, across all devices they may be using, so that all communication is in real-time.

Every seller is reading the same news you are, and your job as an agent is to manage their expectations and help them realize what will really drive a great campaign for them in this rapidly changing market.

Keep all of your communications clear so that everyone involved knows exactly what to do next. I’ll give you the tools you need to set those seller expectations appropriately and deliver the great seller service they require.

Fast Pace Ep 12 – Driving USPs

In this episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan talk about driving USPs. Josh begins discussion of unique selling propositions by defining what they are and pointing to the ways that businesses fail to fully support them. Dean weighs in with customer impressions and USP approaches that really stand out. Josh adds the need to find the one thing consumers will respond to and do that. Get clear on your unique components and use them.

Values evidenced

Your values set the rules for how you play the game. In this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’m talking about values evidenced by behaviours that reflect them, and what you must do to ensure you communicate those values inside of your organisation. 

Your values guide you, and it actually grates on you when they’re not being followed. I’ll give you some clear examples of business values, and how you can tell if your people know those values and are following them by watching their decisions and behaviours.

If you want your people to uphold your values then we’ve got to talk about evidenced behaviour. I’ll show you what quality firms do to make sure their people are living out their culture, and help you get clear on your own values so you can guide the behaviours you want to see.

If your culture is never spoken about it will create itself. It’s your job as a leader to make sure your people know what’s important and how management decisions are made. Then you’ll see those business values evidenced by what your people are doing every day.