In this week’s episode, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through how to work during lockdown periods, including how to manage vendor expectations – the 5:1 ratio, managing buyer enquiry and inspections, bringing campaigns forward, launching and listing for post-lockdown.
List to win
The purpose of the listing presentation is to win the listing. In this Coaching Tip, I’m going to tell you how to list to win by design. I’ll give you examples from my own business and help you to think of better ways to present what you do.
Coming in second with your listing presentation pays you zero. You need to understand why people make the decision to use you and then give those reasons to the customer. I’ll explain how to make it explicitly clear why you’re their best choice.
Whatever your situation is, whatever it is that you do best, it’s your job to re-craft the story, change the conversation, and think about the customer experience you deliver in new and different ways.
I’ll show you how to list to win by effectively handling the logistics during the presentation and delivering your summary with confidence. And I’ll give you the secret of why clients really do want to list with you so you can help them make that decision.
Fast Pace Ep 17 – Digitally fed workflow
This episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on the shift to a digitally fed workflow and how agents are using these new mechanisms to improve workflow and documentation. They discuss the need to make things easier and how digital improves what we do, how it helps us understand the customer better and deliver the information they need, and actually makes more human moments that really matter possible.
Ep 284 – Shifting energy – getting past setbacks
In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss getting past setbacks. Josh lists some common setbacks we experience, then Alex presents his perspective on disappointments and tells what he does to reset and move forward. Josh advises getting in the right mindset and offers some ways to do that. They talk about the dangers of getting in a bad mood and suggest things you can do to stay positive and productive.
Josh discusses being aware of whether you’re drama driven or future-focused. They emphasise being opportunistic, turning losses into wins, consistently doing what works, and always striving to be better at everything you do.
Digital intent
Every day we have real-world interactions, but we also have digital interactions. Great agents understand the importance of digital intent, and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you how your digital systems show you what’s really happening with your customers.
I’ll clarify what can be done in the digital world beyond open for inspections, appointments and auctions. Digital systems can show you what the customer needs to do next in the real world and help them pre-search for information before you even get there.
It’s time for agents to learn how to work in a different direction from what we’ve always done before. I’ll give you some examples of new USPs that you can be using now to reach customers in a whole new way, and show them the reasons why people choose to use you.
We’re in a world now where digital intent matters. I’ll show you how to create opportunities using systems that let you see what consumers are doing in the digital environment, and help you become more powerful in the real world.
Fast Pace Ep 16 – Leadership and titles
This Fast Pace podcast features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discussing leadership and titles. They define what leadership actually is, examine how titles affect ego and self worth, look at the reasons we have titles and consider whether they’re an outdated notion. They note the ways titles are perceived by both outside and inside customers, and advise making titles that are useful for describing functional roles within the business.
Unshakeable culture
If you know why we measure things you will want to do it, so my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month is all about metrics. And metrics is all about coaching people more effectively. Let’s look at why that’s so important.
When you measure to coach it changes the game. I’ll talk about a couple of tiers inside of the sales environment that we like to measure, what that tracking process looks like, and how to use it to rapidly shift what you’re doing.
This is what great agents do. They identify the problem, then take immediate action to get themselves back on track. Weekly measurements are your greatest future predictors and I’ll give you 3 types of appointments that transition upward over the course of the year.
Metrics is where I start in coaching, taking daily measurements of outcomes. Your challenge is to make the decision to get clear on your measurements so you know right away when you need to get back on track. Nail the actuals and everything else happens.
Ep 283 – What to do when you get busy
This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on what to do when things get really busy. Alex describes some simple things he does to maintain control in a fast-moving market including time management, setting priorities, and reducing distractions. Josh advises writing out what’s on your mind so you can get back on top of those things. And Alex offers examples of ways you can change what you do.
Josh suggests ways to become super-efficient, explains the importance of your response rate and the speed at which you operate, and shows some better ways to run your day.
It’s never about the competition
Impediments to your success are a result of your own internal barriers. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you why it’s never about the competition, it’s about what you do for the customer. What you do well with each customer creates a future customer and future listings.
Everything great agents do is about facilitating an outstanding customer experience. It happens with each interaction and each individual customer, and I’ll give you the secret to being incredible at everything you do here.
Every month you’ll meet a number of buyers who have been unsuccessful in their pursuit of residential properties. You need to let these buyers know every time one of those properties sells and I’ll show you why that’s so important.
You don’t need to be the number one agent in your marketplace because it’s never about the competition. What you need to be doing is creating opportunities for the customer directly in front of you. Do this seriously well and you’ll never have to prospect again.