Going pro

At some point in your career, you’ll realise that you’re an amateur. Your next step from there is going pro and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you what the pros know about getting a consistent result time and time again.

The distance between amateur and pro is the hunger to learn. I’ll step through the differences in the way pros work starting with asking only the questions that matter and knowing what those questions are. 

I’ll show you how to set up a winning environment before the listing presentation and increase the consumer’s desire to do the transaction, make sure they have the information they need to make the best decision, and close on the spot instead of waiting. 

After transitioning from being an amateur to going pro you’ll know when to push and when to hold back, you’ll think differently about what you’re doing for your career development, and you’ll make the decision that this is your chosen career and you want to be the best at what you do.

Fast Pace Ep 37 – Ageing workforces – keeping people in the game with flexible working

This Fast Pace episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on ageing workplaces, tracking time vs. skill, cultural alignment and nurturing a broader family to serve a broader audience. They examine how age affects customer appeal, work-life balance, adapting to new technologies, organisational culture, and skill-sharing between older and younger agents.

Ep 304 – Assistants teach you systems 

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on teaching systems to new people and, in the process, learning what it is you actually need done inside of your business. Alex notes the need for time management systems and accountability on your part, and Josh points out that employees need to be capable of functioning on their own without you being there. They offer ways to bring out leadership qualities in your people and let go to grow.

Alex and Josh discuss clear documentation for systems, recognising consistency vs. rigidity, making sure people know why they need to maintain standards, and always reviewing, innovating and improving your systems.

Building for growth

Were you lucky in 2021 or are you looking forward to doing better in 2022? Now is a great time to start building for growth, and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll help you review everything that happened this year and get really strategic with your business. 

We’re going to look at listings, sales, days on market, average fee, average sale price, volume of marketplace transactions and total market share. You’ll also look at every listing you’ve won this year and remember how you met each seller.

All of this will tell you if your money, time, resources, marketing and effort are actually paying off for you. And as you prepare for next year you can see from all that what you need to be doing now for better results in 2022. 

Building for growth should happen by choice, not by chance. Often it’s the little things that have the most impact on your overall margin so you need to know your numbers and use them to get strategic for your growth and improvement. Let’s get ready for 2022 right now.

Fast Pace Ep 36 – Stripping it back – 5 rules for a successful office

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss 5 rules for a successful business. They detail each of the rules around the leading salesperson, new recruits, property management, brand extension, and capital. They explain why these rules work, and add other significant aspects including data, people, metrics, markets, and principles.

Founders Ep 7 – Making pest and building reports accessible 

This podcast features Josh Phegan & David Choi interviewing Before You Bid CEO, Rhys Rogers, and COO, Jordan Rogers. BYB is a supply portal for access to pest and building reports. We discuss benefits and considerations around making pest and building reports easily accessible, consumer confidence and loss protection for vendors, inspectors’ concerns, helping agents quickly gauge buyer intent through digital intent, and how access to these reports with full transparency from the start speeds up the entire process.

Fast growth – what’s next for you?

One of your challenges as a business leader is coaching that person inside of your business whose growth is spiralling out of control. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how to help them handle fast growth and get clear on what’s next for you.

Asking the right questions will actually coach you to a solution and find out quickly how you can help your people play a better game. I’ll give you some key questions to coach your people effectively and help them think about what they really want to achieve.

From a growth, leadership and management perspective you need to stay several steps ahead of the people who are driving the fast growth inside of your organisation. Your role as a leader is to have the bigger visions for a greater future and help your people grow now.

Ep 303 – Buyers/sellers

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss the art of working with buyers who are sellers, including the skill of asking great questions, finding out the problem of the client, showing buyers through private appointments so they can see what’s on offer, and the role of the buyer/seller hitlist.

The 2022 transition

You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf. It’s a great way to look forward to the 2022 transition out of the COVID era, and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll help you close out 2021 with new skills and a view towards what’s coming.

There are big changes ahead and I’ll show you why 2022 is going to be a completely different year. There are things that have already happened and things that I see coming that I’ll help you understand and prepare for.  

As an agent, you’re going to have to transition fast. I’ll point out changes in the market that will affect the way you work. I’ll talk about how to do listing for 2022 and demonstrate some fresh dialogue you can use now to win the business.

Life is all about getting the narrative right. I want to help you make your best decisions so you can play at your highest level as we head into the 2022 transition. Get ready to learn a whole new set of skills that will make you the greatest agent you can be.

Fast Pace Ep 35 – Platforms for scale

In this Fast Pace podcast, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan define and discuss platforms and scales and how they relate, how applications differ and change with growth, why change takes time and patience and you need to prepare your people for it, deciding whether to buy or build your platform, and making sure everyone is aligned on your vision and values.