
There is no million-dollar unicorn who’s simply going to walk into your office and ask to work for you. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll show you how recruiting works, what you should look for, and how to make it simple to attract the best talent.

Recruiting is all about knowing who is already working in the marketplace right now that could be phenomenal inside of your business. I’ll outline the best ways for you to recruit the right people, including great talent from outside of the industry.

The most important question is, Are you recruitment fit? You’ve got to have real confidence in the platforms for success you have in place, including technologies, training, culture and financials that offer real opportunities for new recruits.

I’ll show you how to make your recruiting process simple, and list some of the things that can make your organisation truly attractive. And I’ll help you get clarity around what you have to offer so you can explain your benefits fully to the great people you want to hire.

Customer moves

One of your most powerful data insights is about customer moves. That’s where buyers come from and sellers move to after the transaction, and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you how both of those markets relate to your current market and introduce you to new ones.

You might not be interested in markets outside of your own, but I’m going to show you why you need to know about those other markets, how you can benefit from the connections each customer has to them, and how to be their agent of choice for future transactions.

I’ll illustrate how demographic shifts happen within your marketplace, and how to position yourself to actually grow up with your clients as they buy and sell properties throughout the cycles of their lives.

We’ll analyse the customer moves of where buyers come from and where sellers go. You’ll see that each transaction opens up additional markets where you can expand your market share with your existing relationships and establish repeat customers for life.

Fast Pace Ep 39 – Pricing for your services

Today’s Fast Pace podcast features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on pricing for your services. They describe several pricing models, explain value-based pricing and ways to influence customers’ perceived value, using the best language to tell your story and win in the marketplace, how to differentiate yourself, and pricing based on confidence.

Ep 306 – The performance zone

In this week’s High-Performance Podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss how you perform at your best. They break down the secrets to Alex’s consistency, what drives performance in his team, how to determine what you want, and creating an environment that supports the type of person you want to become.

Listing for 2022

It really is up to you to learn how to play the game. This has been one of the strongest markets we’ve seen in years and in my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you how to start listing in 2022 to be sure you’ve got your first campaigns running in January.

It’s all about mindset. Plenty of buyers will still be looking after November/December. I’ll tell you how to to get those properties listed and make sure you’ve lined up everything that’s needed so you can bring those overflow buyers through those homes.

I’ll explain why you need to get back to auctions and open for inspections right away, how open for inspections are your greatest flywheel, and how to use our digital work-anywhere world to sell a ton of properties in January.

Own the January and February markets and you’ll have a great start on the first quarter of listing in 2022. I’ll show you how to prepare for the weeks of instability the election will create, and work ahead of the curve to make sure you’ll have an incredible year.

Fast Pace Ep 38 – Setting the strategy for 2022

This Fast Pace podcast features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on setting the strategy for 2022. They discuss how to get out of tactical mode, reevaluate what it is you need to get done, reconnect with your vision for 5 years and beyond, re-recruit your own people, shift expectations as events happen, and bridge the knowing vs. doing gap.

Founders Ep 8 – Josh Symons, MRI Software

In this episode Josh Phegan & David Choi interview Josh Symons of MRI Software. Josh’s focus is on sales and property management, the lack of alignment between departments and teams, and the challenges of integration. He explains big data and exhaust data, servicing landlords as 4-dimensional customers, why PM needs automation and specialisation, the relationship between tech and PM, weaknesses the pandemic exposed, better ways to show properties, and how sales has already been using new technologies successfully.

Build the infrastructure, document the systems

You can have a business that absolutely sings if you just bring all decision making down to the lowest level in your organisation. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how to build the infrastructure and document the systems that work.

If you don’t have the right infrastructure you’re in trouble. You don’t want to be in the leader-follower model where you have to make all the decisions. What you need are really clear guidelines for your people so they can make the right decisions on their own.

Businesses that establish clear documentation explaining how you generate leads, win the business and service your customers are the ones that ultimately win. Anyone coming into your organisation should know right away what you do and don’t do.

The most powerful businesses make data-driven decisions instead of bringing in random ideas that don’t fit in their business framework. Get clear on what you do, document it, then teach, train and test it on the inside of your organisation.