Fast Pace Ep 54 – Systems and people

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss designing systems that are teachable and replicable for people. They address knowing when you need a system, keeping it flexible, making sure it works, spotting people doing things that should be added in, scaling systems and people for growth, and the power of digital integration.

What matters and motivates?

As a leader, your job is to lift up your people and enable their maximum performance. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll help you discover what matters and motivates, and how to get the best performance from your team.

You need the right skillset to discover the things that really motivate your people. It’s not financial. It’s about building momentum around a cause that people believe in and helping them make the decision to really do something with their lives.

Make sure they’re getting recognition and being valued for what they do, and they have a real passion for serving customers. The past two years have darkened people’s vision of what they want to do in life, and I’ll tell you how to help them get that vision back.

I’ll give you the most important question you can ask your people as a leader to understand what matters and motivates them individually. And I’ll show you how to change your approach to coaching so you can help them rediscover what’s important to them.

Ep 318 – Great experiences for vendors

In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss the importance of building a great vendor experience. Josh advocates maintaining a high degree of intensity from the start, and Alex suggests ways to do that with an emphasis on great communication. They also talk about things you don’t need to share with the vendor, increasing buyer activity, and engineering the experience you want to deliver. Josh steps through his happy-anxious-sad formula.

Alex and Josh continue around strategy and solutions, keeping customer confidence high, demonstrating that you’re on the ball and working hard for them, and getting the deal done for the right price.

Momentum shifter

You need a momentum shifter to get back on top. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how to get that momentum by calling the people already sitting inside of your database, seeing the opportunities you’re missing, and creating even more opportunities.

To do this, you’ve got to get on the phone and call all of your past market appraisals. I’ll explain why this is so important and give you a simple dialogue that absolutely works. I’ll show you what to do to get back in front of people and do live listing presentations.

If you want to get your momentum back, then cut the excuses and get on the phones. Do those 45 minute sessions, call the best customers and deliver your best dialogue. If you don’t feel like it, do it anyway. Getting those results will change the way you feel.

The momentum shifter is you. It’s all about your energy and your strategy. I’ll show you opportunities to gain momentum, whether you’ve been in the industry for ages or just starting out. List properties. Find leads. Do the work. It’s time to shine.

Fast Pace Ep 53 – Sticking to core

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at training protocols and initiatives. They discuss short term tactics and long term planning, fundamental core skills vs. current trends, training your brand’s USPs, skills qualification, and skills specific to categories and experience.

The culture doc

You need to know what you actually stand for, and in this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll tell you why a culture document is such a necessary tool for your organisation and why your people need it.

Who you are determines the culture your business is built on, from the way you conduct business to the core of how your organisation works. I’ll give you detailed examples of the things you need to define as a leader, especially for training your new hires.

When people start working for you they’ve got to know who they represent and understand the operational structures they need to follow. I’ll tell you how to develop and employ a simple culture document that clearly articulates what you stand for as a brand so they can consistently deliver on it for you.

Market knowledge is underrated

It’s the thing that ultimately determines your value as a real estate agent, but market knowledge is underrated in the industry. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll tell you what you need to know, how to find the information you need, and why it’s so important.

It’s time to start thinking about what your daily activity really breeds. I’ll tell you where to get your market knowledge, what to focus on, and how to use that intel, especially for improving your work with market appraisals.

I’ll show you how to stay relevant to all your buyers so you can do great buyer work. I’ll explain why this knowledge is crucial to what’s about to happen in the industry and how it also helps you with sellers, especially in the listing presentation.

You’ve got to go all in to gather that market knowledge. Use it to create value. Opt-in all your customers to your weekly emails, and keep them up to date on what’s listed and sold. You’ll be the agent who knows what’s happening in today’s transitioning markets.

Fast Pace Ep 52 – Ultimate productivity

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan talk about ultimate productivity for leaders. They start with what productivity is and suggest scheduling for unscheduled time, where you can take on fresh opportunities, make space for innovative thinking, take time to slow down and stop reacting and be mindful of what’s really important.

Ep 316 – Consumer confidence

Today’s High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on providing consumer confidence in our current high inflation markets. Alex offers insights and perspectives on why people buy and how that affects the decisions they should make. Josh points out how equity has grown over the past few years, and they discuss what that means to consumers now, including the rise in rental prices.

Alex and Josh discuss the decision to sell prior or wait for the auction if only one interested buyer is there. They examine how to know if you’re at the point where the property is going to sell or if there’s still a chance another buyer will appear and offer more.