In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan offer leadership guidance around growing a future management team. They discuss cultural environment, growth and alignment, succession planning, types of leadership, recognising and developing talent, the leadership journey, the line of continuum, and training for initiative and autonomy.
Train experiences
Rote training for information alone will quickly fade from memory. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll tell you why you’ve got to train experiences to everyone inside of your business, and what that training looks like.
Training experience is about what it is that you do, and how you need to do it. It’s a sequence of events that occur in alignment. Without that ordered sequence the most important things happen randomly, or they don’t happen at all.
You want to minimise the variance in the level of service your business provides to the customer, and be known as the business that delivers high quality service with consistency, no matter which of your people the customer encounters.
I’ll show you how to map out all of the experiences that happen inside of your business to get a property sold, and train that core to the people inside of your organisation. Train experience and your people will consistently be exceptional in their delivery.
Ep 321 – Selling confidence
In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss selling confidence to buyers and sellers toward doing a transaction. Alex gives examples of how he educates clients about their marketplace and gives them the confidence to make good, timely decisions. Josh talks about giving people perspective as a way to hit reset and what to tell sellers to get them to go ahead and come to market.
Alex offers his projections on upcoming market trends. He tells how he shares that knowledge with potential clients, how he progresses them and notes the discussions that agents need to have with clients.
Customer obsession
We’re living in an experience economy, and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll tell you why it’s all about your customer obsession. I’ll show you what great service looks like and how the little things build up to great referrals.
We’ll examine the customer experience, and I’ll break it down to decisions you make around why you do what you do, when you do it, and how it impacts the customer. And I’ll show you how to increase your value.
I’ll show you the level of detail that will really shine through for you and how explaining what you do for the customer results in less conjecture around fee. And I’ll tell you why the five urgent buyers you know right now are worth more than your database.
The listing presentation is your best opportunity to tell your story about what it is you do for the customer. Explain your customer experience, show them your customer obsession, and ultimately you’ll have a phenomenal business.
Fast Pace Ep 57 – The first 90 days as a new leader
This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discussing what the first 90 days of a new leader look like and how to become successful in that time. They suggest you remember you don’t have all the answers, and they offer ways for you to understand how the business works, create a plan for the future, and start showing leadership now by building relationships and learning where you can help inside of the organisation.
Ep 320 – Power of cross selling
This High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on the power of cross selling. Alex tells why he focuses more on price range before buyer requirements, and Josh recommends taking buyers through other campaigns and finding the place where price and value meet for them. Alex notes the current changes in the market, and also explains how he uses call lists of past clients.
Josh talks about cross selling in campaigns, what to do if the campaign is slow, and how to help buyers who have missed out on other properties.
Driving confidence
Confidence is the one thing that separates you from all other agents, and my Coaching Tip today is all about driving confidence that will open up opportunities for you. I’ll give you what you need to build yourself up and become that great agent.
Learning how to build confidence will set you free. I’ll show you a four-step model that will help you make the commitment to master your core skills, get past your fears, and build your capabilities so you can always be at your best.
Driving confidence begins when you make that decision to become seriously good at what you do, by mastering the skillsets you need. There are a few key skills that would fundamentally change the way you work as an agent. Discover those skills, master them, and everything will take off for you.
Fast Pace Ep 56 – The growth question
In this week’s podcast with Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan, they discuss the power of choosing growth, including:
How to decide between new markets, service lines and market share.
Why deciding what you want is critical.
Why knowing if you’re on a plateau or climbing a peak is important.
How to stay dynamic and choose the problems you wish to pursue and solve.
Data driven performance management
The reality is that numbers never lie, and in this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’m talking about data-driven performance management. As a leader, you need to know the metrics that motivate and drive performance around the numbers, not around excuses.
In every business, it’s all about listings, sales and income, and I’ll tell you why listings are the most important number for you to know. I’ll show you how to schedule to meet your target and outline the skills for building momentum.
Your people need to be listing on a consistent basis. I’ll show you the three basic numbers to track so you can make it happen. We’ll look at measuring your BAPs, MAPs and LAPs and how just three appointments per day will rapidly change the game for you.
The primary focus of every person inside of your business needs to be on getting the minimum number of appointments needed. You can chase a whole range of metrics, but I’ll show you the two key things that will get your data-driven performance management right.
Ep 319 – The buyer seller market
Today’s High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on the big emergence of the buyer-seller market that’s happening now. They discuss ways to progress the customer through the process of being both a vendor and a buyer. Alex explains knowing whether a client should buy or sell first, and Josh expands on the opportunities around latent buyer demand.
Alex offers tips for new agents just starting out and describes the use of guide pricing. And they talk about reviewing past appraisals and calling the people inside of your database to discover the latent demand that’s sitting there.