Fast Pace Ep 66 – Making the leap from Salesperson/Property Manager to Director

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan share observations on career progression and making the leap from salesperson/property manager to director. They explore reasons for wanting to be a director, adding value as a leader, knowing what you want to accomplish and how much you’re willing to contribute, and being in it for the long haul.

How do we do it here?

How well do the people inside your organisation know what it is you do there? In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today, I’m asking you the question, how do we do it here? And I’ll show you how to communicate that to your people.

I’ll explain why the problem is not the problem; it’s how you think about the problem that’s key. And I’ll give you an example dialogue with a landlord based on a form you can step them through, so you know what to ask and what to say.

In seconds you can demonstrate that you really know what’s going on inside the property management world, or you can choose to become just another fee-based commodity. I’ll show you why it’s so important for you to understand equity.

The customer won’t see the value that you and your team are offering if you can’t explain and demonstrate that value. Take your people on the journey of growing their knowledge, skill and capability around “how do we do it here”, and you will become a great leader.

Ep 328 – Repricing

In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss price reductions and repricing. Alex talks about how changes in the market affect pricing and the importance of getting the initial price guide right. Josh recommends always giving people options rather than forcing one issue, keeping an eye on what’s new in the market, and securing plenty of buyer appointments and offers.

Alex and Josh look at quality buyer matching, showing the vendor you’re doing everything you can for them so they understand that the property needs to be repriced, and that a vendor who values their property higher than everyone else gets to keep it.

Peaks and plateaus

One of the great challenges in life is when you hit a plateau that you don’t want to be on, and you can’t get off it. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll explain peaks and plateaus and help you get motivated towards your next goal.

When you set a goal, you’re in hot pursuit of reaching that peak. When you’re not climbing, you’re on a plateau, and that’s fine if you’ve chosen to be there. But often, you’re stuck there and don’t know what to do next.

A lot of agents are finding themselves on a plateau right now with our current declining market. I’ll show you some decisions you need to make and help you get clear on what motivates you and what matters most to you.

The moment you arrive, it’s time to start out again, and that’s the key to mastering your peaks and plateaus. You’ve got to give yourself permission to dream about the things you really want so you can ultimately improve the quality of your life.

Fast Pace Ep 65 – Financial year planning – reflect to project

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss keeping a finger on the organisation’s pulse through financial year planning. They comment on creating sustainable value, the impact of wage pressure on generating revenue, the three metrics for increasing fees, and the need for making personal investments to improve your performance and productivity.

Ep 327 – Pitching strength

This High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on finding your pitching strength and perfecting your pitch. Alex advises that you know your advantages over your competitors and relate your skills to the vendor’s needs. He states the importance of asking them the right questions and spending their time well. Josh notes making sure new agents understand what the brand is doing and how other agents pitch for the brand. Alex explains why all offices should share data and agents work together.

Alex and Josh discuss what makes us really powerful and point out that consumers aren’t just choosing you; they’re choosing you as a brand. And Josh lists some of the key things USPs are usually based on.

Reference point

If you buy a property today, what can you expect it to sell for in the future? In today’s Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to establish a reference point for a property’s value based on the right perspective and insight.

I’ll illustrate how property values can change over a few years with an example of how prices rise and fall. And I’ll show you which date is most important to use as the reference point for calculating capital gain.

Right now, every one of your consumers is stuck at the traffic light of indecision: Red, can’t decide – Orange, might decide to move forward – Green, definitely ready to act. Your job as their agent is to help them work out the numbers and make their best decision.

It all comes down to understanding that amateurs deal on prices whilst professionals deal on changeover cost based on the right reference point. It’s critical that you always have great perspective and insights so you can help your clients make quality decisions.

Fast Pace Ep 64 – System or a person

This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan examining how a system or a person can affect outcomes. They look at the roles systems and people play, examples of using systems to control workflow, saving time by keeping organised and being aware of what’s happening across the organisation.

Chasing the big 3

Your skill as a business leader is to find the biggest opportunities for growth over the next twelve months. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today, I’ll look at chasing the Big 3 and getting strategic around those opportunities inside of your business.

Our industry manages growth opportunities really poorly. I’ll show you your greatest opportunities for growth and tell you specifically whose job it is to take those actions, beginning with calling your landlords and discussing what you can do for them.

Past clients offer us huge opportunities, yet we’re fixated on finding new clients. I’ll help you change the way you work with your past clients and begin seeing them as future clients and valuable customer referrals.

Next, we’ll look at what to do with your market appraisals, which are done and waiting to show you the problem the customer needs you to solve. Chasing the Big 3 means identifying and pursuing the opportunities you have that are well worth the pain of change.

Ep 326 – Market aspirations

In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss market aspirations, learning to think about a bigger core market whilst growing towards a secondary market, and working before-and-after markets. Alex talks about cross-selling between suburbs and avoiding getting pigeonholed into a single area. He also notes that the smaller properties are as important as the larger, more expensive ones.

Josh lists his primary and secondary markets, including those in New Zealand, Dubai and the UK, to reinforce the need to make sure your aspirations are big enough and to demonstrate that it’s really not that hard to make it happen.