Fast Pace Ep 22 – The four-dimensional customer

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan define and discuss the four-dimensional customer. We look at using tech to give each individual customer a more integrated experience, consider the scope and perception of roles inside of the business, and explore ways to understand and meet the customer’s needs through internal collaboration. 

Fast Pace Ep 20 – The sales leadership function

This Fast Pace podcast features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on the sales leadership function, who should fill the position, different approaches to sales management, and the pros and cons of outsourcing the task. They compare techniques for coaching salespeople and list the key metrics that determine success. They explain that the sales leadership function is ultimately to interpret the numbers and metrics of sales, and communicate the meaning of those elements in a way that helps people perform at their best.  

Functional roles

Feeling differently about what you do changes the scope of your work. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll address functional roles inside of your organisation and perspectives that improve the way people feel about what they do.

Fast Pace Ep 18 – Workspaces of the future

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan have a look into workspaces of the future, workspace culture, what workspaces are becoming and the roles they play in how your business operates. Dean and Josh note changes in workspace structure over time with improved concepts and technologies. They discuss how 100% remote businesses work so well, and ask whether we really need a physical workspace anymore.

How you scale

Before you start your journey for growth, you’ve got to know what you want. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’m talking about how you scale by deciding how big you want to be, which markets you want to dominate, and how to recruit the best talent.

Ep 281 – What to look for in new recruits

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on what to look for in new talent, hiring for sustainability, understanding why you’re hiring someone, and being personally involved in helping your people develop and invest in themselves.

Great seller service

You’ve got to stay focused on providing great seller service. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll give you the tools to deliver by communicating clearly to everyone in real-time, managing seller expectations, and staying in control.

Values evidenced

Your values set the rules for the game and this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip is about values evidenced by behaviours. I’ll show you how to get clear on your values, communicate them every day, and make sure your people are living out the culture you want to create.

Ep 279 – Navigating inbound calls

In this episode Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about navigating incoming calls inside of their organisations, handling mobile calls, techniques and technologies, what they hand off to team members, and Alex tells why he uses a landline for some calls.