Founders Ep 8 – Josh Symons, MRI Software

In this episode Josh Phegan & David Choi interview Josh Symons of MRI Software. Josh’s focus is on sales and property management, the lack of alignment between departments and teams, and the challenges of integration. He explains big data and exhaust data, servicing landlords as 4-dimensional customers, why PM needs automation and specialisation, the relationship between tech and PM, weaknesses the pandemic exposed, better ways to show properties, and how sales has already been using new technologies successfully. 

Building for growth

Whether you were lucky in 2021 or hoping to be in 2022 it’s time to start building for growth, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll help you review 2021 and build for growth in 2022 by knowing your numbers and getting strategic with your business, starting right now.

Founders Ep 3 – The powerful simplicity of Proptech

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan & David Choi are joined by Daniel Bignold, CEO of Propps, to discuss how proptech helps agents run their businesses more efficiently. We talk about alleviating friction and maintaining consistency in the sales process, and Daniel outlines the Propps White Label agent-centric solution. He illustrates how customers can make binding and non-binding offers online, how Propps employs simplicity of design to avoid barriers to adoption, and steps us through the way the process works and what the result looks like. 

Ep 295 – The ultimate formula

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss how to build a rock-solid sales business based on three cornerstones – how you generate your leads, what you say in the ultimate customer story to win your listings, and how you process those listings to ensure you sell them for the maximum price.

Fast Pace Ep 20 – The sales leadership function

This Fast Pace podcast features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on the sales leadership function, who should fill the position, different approaches to sales management, and the pros and cons of outsourcing the task. They compare techniques for coaching salespeople and list the key metrics that determine success. They explain that the sales leadership function is ultimately to interpret the numbers and metrics of sales, and communicate the meaning of those elements in a way that helps people perform at their best.  

How you scale

Before you start your journey for growth, you’ve got to know what you want. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’m talking about how you scale by deciding how big you want to be, which markets you want to dominate, and how to recruit the best talent.


We measure things in order to coach people more effectively, and this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip is all about the metrics that allow you to identify problems, take immediate action to shift back on track, and boom your performance for the outcomes you need. 

Fast Pace Ep 14 – Sales management 101

This episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discussing Sales Management 101. Dean clarifies what a sales manager actually does and outlines some of the 101s to watch out for. They talk about tactical sales management and what makes a great sales coach. Josh advises we criticise generally and praise individually, and Dean reminds us that we are not our behaviours.  

PM opportunity

Property management is your biggest real estate opportunity, and in this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how the PM opportunity generates recurring revenue, drives value and grows market share, and why you must get seriously good at it.