Fast Pace Ep 36 – Stripping it back – 5 rules for a successful office

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss 5 rules for a successful business. They detail each of the rules around the leading salesperson, new recruits, property management, brand extension, and capital. They explain why these rules work, and add other significant aspects including data, people, metrics, markets, and principles.

The 2022 transition

Learning to surf is a great way to look at the 2022 transition, and in my new Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how 2022 is going to be different and how to transition fast, give you fresh relevant dialogue, and introduce you to a whole new set of skills you’re going need.

Power of language

Now more than ever, language really matters. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you the power of language, why the words you choose are important, and how to communicate with consumers in a way that makes them feel good about your brand.

Founders Ep 5 – Interactive tools for real estate content marketing

This podcast features Josh Phegan & David Choi talking with Jay Morris of Diakrit, a company that creates 2-and 3-D interactive floorplans. Jay’s intent is to provide great information for buyers quickly so they’re not wasting time. We talk about real estate content marketing and extending dwell time, COVID as an opportunity to work differently and what we’ve learned from it, augmented reality and other positioning and presentation tools that get the consumer to move forward and make an offer.

Ep 301 – Transitioning

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through how to adjust to the transitions; from buyers chasing you to you chasing buyers, the move from private appointments to open houses, the snap back to 3-week campaigns, and how to adjust to the new changes by APRA, threats of inflation, interest rate increases and the 2022 Federal Election.

Ep 300 – Buyer inspections

Today’s High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on doing the basics well, skills training for new hires, understanding the customer, establishing buyer trust in your competence, and creating the buyer experience.

Get permission, book the appointment

It’s not the number of calls, it’s the number of appointments you make. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to get permission, book the appointment, and know exactly what to say to make that happen. It’s time to get seriously good at what you do on the phone.

Founders Ep 3 – The powerful simplicity of Proptech

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan & David Choi are joined by Daniel Bignold, CEO of Propps, to discuss how proptech helps agents run their businesses more efficiently. We talk about alleviating friction and maintaining consistency in the sales process, and Daniel outlines the Propps White Label agent-centric solution. He illustrates how customers can make binding and non-binding offers online, how Propps employs simplicity of design to avoid barriers to adoption, and steps us through the way the process works and what the result looks like. 

Ep 295 – The ultimate formula

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss how to build a rock-solid sales business based on three cornerstones – how you generate your leads, what you say in the ultimate customer story to win your listings, and how you process those listings to ensure you sell them for the maximum price.

Strategy, measure, adjust

As a business owner you’ve got to understand the strategies you’ve got in play. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll explain the strategy, measure, adjust process so you can stop doing things that don’t work and start getting the results you need.