Electric energy

You need an incredible amount of energy to be a great agent. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how to generate electric energy with customers, ask great questions, find the sellers and buyers in a declining market, and get back into that winning position.

Peaks and plateaus

Sometimes you hit a plateau, and you can’t get off it. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll explain peaks and plateaus, show you how to get unstuck, and I’ll help you get clear on what motivates you to ultimately do what matters most to you.

Motivation commitment

It’s motivation that makes a market fluid and commitment that completes the transaction. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll examine the motivations of buyers, sellers and you as an agent, and I’ll show you how your understanding of these elements will help you win.

How to stop getting rejected

We avoid making phone calls because we fear rejection. In today’s Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to stop getting rejected, assume a customer-led strategy, and take a winning approach to find customers, motivate them, and get them to ‘yes’.

Fast Pace Ep 46 – Motivating your team

This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan with insights for business leaders around motivating your team. They talk about knowing when your team is lagging, initiatives that can get them back on track, understanding what drives motivation, helping individuals with their specific challenges and creating a supportive environment.

Fast growth – what’s next for you?

How do you coach that person in your business whose growth is spiralling out of control? In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how to help your people manage fast growth, stay ahead of them as a leader, and have a bigger vision of what’s next for you.

What matters and motivates?

We’re living in a state of urgency and distraction, and it’s hard to find what you want in life. In this Coaching Tip, we’ll look at what matters and motivates and defines you, and how your “edit button” clarifies the things you should be doing to reach your goals.

Ep 298 – The rush to the finish line.

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips & Josh Phegan discuss:
How to use the timeline method to encourage sellers to market now.
When to list for 2022.
The best way to progress customers, maintain your focus and finish this year strong.

Bigger vision – work for what you want

The most important thing is to set a bigger vision for what you want from life. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to work for what you want – Clarify that vision, set your intent, and begin your personal mission towards achieving what you want.

Team engagement

It’s up to you to make sure your team is delivering your ultimate customer experience. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today I’ll help you measure team engagement, establish clarity, and drive purpose at the highest levels of your organisation.