Functional roles

Feeling differently about what you do changes the scope of your work. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll address functional roles inside of your organisation and perspectives that improve the way people feel about what they do.

Price in context

You’ve got to deliver the offer in context so they know the price is right. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to put price in context, present the offer in a way the owner can understand and act upon it, and always be the agent with the best advice.

List to win

A great listing presentation is how you win the listing. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll tell you how to list to win by knowing the reasons why people use you, making those reasons clear to the customer, and ending your presentation with a signed agreement in hand.

Fast Pace Ep 8 – Metrics for clarity of mission

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss getting clarity on your mission by using metrics to guide decision making. They examine measurements you can apply to your own business, benchmarks that prove achievement, and what to do now to accelerate your growth. Dean and Josh show how changing the way you think leads to greater focus, they agree on taking the long-term view, and advise thinking big around the mission.

Ep 275 – Working pipelines in hot markets

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss how to work your pipeline in hot markets. With sale prices rapidly accelerating, it’s tempting for vendors to hold off. How can you use an accelerating market to your advantage? What are the key drivers in decisions? And what value adds can you provide to assist sellers in making their decision?

Fast Pace Ep 7 – Define and live your purpose

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at clarity of purpose. They examine purpose as part of your vision, of living your life, and defining what it actually is. They discuss its influence around problem-solving, serving the customer, and decision making. Dean and Josh illustrate ways businesses deliver the idea of who they are and what they’re about to the customer, and why your purpose is never ultimately achieved.

Ep 272 – Faster decisions

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on making faster decisions and building better call lists, matching buyers and sellers with previous appraisals, and creating momentum with a sense of urgency and a bit of fear.