Motivation commitment

It’s motivation that makes a market fluid and commitment that completes the transaction. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll examine the motivations of buyers, sellers and you as an agent, and I’ll show you how your understanding of these elements will help you win.

Sustainability and longevity

You can’t run your business for twenty years at the pace you’re running now. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll help you grow your business for sustainability and longevity with the right systems and people, plan for the future, and improve your quality of life.

Market knowledge is underrated

Market knowledge is underrated in the industry, but in this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to get it, understand it, and use it to improve your market appraisals, win listings, stay relevant to your customers, and become their most valuable agent.

Distance the ego

You need to distance the ego to be the agent the customer is looking for. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how to position your brand, demonstrate your credibility, and base your business on the customer experience you deliver.

Ep 313 – Working buyers from other campaigns

In this week’s podcast with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips, we discuss the importance of great buyer work, including: Why you need a new pool of buyers post a price reduction, the skill of cross-selling buyers from other campaigns, how buyers seek out properties where price and value meet and the real value of a […]

Power of language

Now more than ever, language really matters. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you the power of language, why the words you choose are important, and how to communicate with consumers in a way that makes them feel good about your brand.

The all-digital, work anywhere world

We’re living in the all-digital work anywhere world now, and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll help you change your mindset so you can run systems and automate processes from wherever you are. I’ll help you become a successful agent, now and in the future.

Consistency wins

Creating opportunity every day sets you free. The challenge is doing the work, and I’ll show you in today’s Coaching Tip how consistency wins by compounding effort, learning what works and doing more of it, and using routine to set you free.

The three customers

Why do we make decisions by guessing what the customer wants? In this Coaching Tip I’ll show you how to understand the three customers you’ll meet, tap into what they already believe so you can be more powerful, and ultimately help them decide to choose you.