Ep 295 – The ultimate formula

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss how to build a rock-solid sales business based on three cornerstones – how you generate your leads, what you say in the ultimate customer story to win your listings, and how you process those listings to ensure you sell them for the maximum price.

Master that routine

No matter where you’re working right now, the number one thing is to master that routine. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how routine sets you free, and why you must differentiate between your work environments no matter where you physically are.

Whether working in a work environment or in your home, the most powerful thing you can do is to get out of bed at the same time every day, get some exercise, and be clear on what you need to achieve that day. You’ve got to be in charge of getting the work done.

You need to understand the power of the environments you create. I’ll outline ways to put yourself into a mindset for work wherever you’re working from, structure the way you work, and function inside of the digital environment as you normally would in the real world.

Create a winning routine now around what’s critically important to you and it will set you up for the future. Master that routine and, no matter what else changes in your working environments, you can keep on making the magic happen.

Fast Pace Ep 27 – Why the vision comes first (before brand, before market, before anything else)

This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on why the vision comes first, before brand, market, or anything else. They discuss how vision defines everything you do, why a rebrand alone isn’t enough, how vision is fundamental to serving the customer, what can limit vision, and why you need a sense of growth and alignment with a long term vision.

Succession planning

When a phenomenal business begins to fade away it’s because they have no succession plan in play. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’m looking at succession planning, building business value, and finding talent that can take your business into the future.  

Many businesses find they are challenged with not having the capital to get people involved. I’ll tell you how to find that capital, how to think from the inside, and what you need people to be able to do in order to get ownership in the business.

At any moment you may decide it’s time to get out of the business. You need to make sure that’s a slow buy out/sell in, and you’re not being forced out. Everything you do in the creation of your business is about building its value, and I’ll tell you how to do that. 

What’s most important is, a business with no succession plan has no plan. Your business should survive beyond you. Get clear on what you want your succession to look like, start planning for it now, and put those people in place who can run the business without you.

Ep 294 – Bringing deals together

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss keeping the pulse on to bring deals together and not get stuck. Alex promotes using case studies to progress difficult vendors, and understanding how economics affect the market. Josh explains how to handle a solo offer and show the vendor when they have a premium offer if their best offers are lower than desired. He also warns against setting up hopes and expectations with sellers that don’t come through.

Josh talks about negotiating through challenges, avoiding excuse-type language, how an overpriced home helps every other home to sell, creating competition, and riding the waves and plateaus of today’s dynamic, rapidly accelerating markets.

Consistency wins

Your ability to create opportunity every day is the thing that sets you free. The challenge is to just get up and do the work. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you why consistency wins and how to become more consistent as an agent.

Too often we see-saw between doing heaps and not doing much, but great agents stay consistent with creating opportunity. By doing as little as one 45 minute call session at the start of every day without fail, by end of year, you’d be nailing it.

I’ll explain the power of compounding effort and how to make sure you’re always performing at your absolute best. We’ll discuss how to look at a day that really worked for you, learn why it did, and do more of that.

To be the best, consistency wins. And it’s the power of routine that keeps you consistent and sets you free to go do the work that must be done. Regardless of conditions, stay focused on playing at your best and making great work happen every day.

Fast Pace Ep 26 – The war for talent

This Fast Pace episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on the war for talent and how to win it. They look at business roles, talent from other industries, attracting and retaining the talent you need, who to look for and where to find them, cadetship programs, recruiting from universities, and pitching the industry to attract the best talent.

Ep 293 – What fuels you?

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on finding out what fuels you and keeps you motivated. Alex explains why letting yourself get burned out will kill your business and tells how he maintains his drive to keep pushing. He talks about setting new goals as current goals are reached, and being competitive for life. Josh adds the concept of eternal hunger, and never falling back into a plateau.

They discuss moving forward from each plateau and never staying there too long, building motivation over time, being present and in the moment towards getting the client their best result, and Josh describes our states of ego, pride, and humility.

Market Intel – find your angle

Market intel is the big opportunity, but it’s how you use it that makes it work. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll help you find your angle by sharpening up on your market knowledge so you can help the customer make the right decision today.    

Markets are driven by fear and opportunity. When you see something in the media that could impact the future sale of a property, then you need to find your angle. I’ll tell you how to use our tool, The Edit, inside of your Josh Phegan Digital membership to help you do that.

The Edit is a collection of the best major news stories from across all our lead sources. It allows you to be more powerful as an agent when you’re having those pivotal client conversations, and steer the discussion in a favourable direction.

Using market intel to find your angle allows you to give people a reason to buy, sell or lease a property today. Stop thinking about what you need and start thinking about what the customer needs. That’s the mindset that will make you a truly great agent.