Beyond survival

As a business leader, your role goes beyond survival for your organisation. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll show you how to make sure your people are clear about what you do inside your business and what makes you unique.

Training your people is how you generate leads, win the business and fulfil the buying and selling needs of your customers. I’ll give you specific USPs to use to help your sellers and landlords make the decision to use your brand.

I’ll show you why having an operating system for your business will clearly articulate what’s really important and ensure your people meet and exceed your minimum standards, especially those people who are just starting inside of your business.

I’ll take you through the steps to prepare new people coming into your organisation before they start with you, and I’ll show you how to provide them with the best training possible. Start people off at a higher level, beyond survival, and you’ll win the game.

Ep 313 – Working buyers from other campaigns

In this week’s podcast with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips, we discuss the importance of great buyer work, including:
Why you need a new pool of buyers post a price reduction, the skill of cross-selling buyers from other campaigns, how buyers seek out properties where price and value meet and the real value of a great agent in a transitioning market.

Amplify what works

One of the worst things you can do is ask a customer why they didn’t choose you as their agent. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how to amplify what works by flipping that switch and instead find out why people do make the decision to use you.

Look at the last five clients who signed an agreement with you. I’ll give you some simple questions to ask and show you how to use them to find out what it is you did that worked for those customers.

When you find out why a customer decides to use you, you can amplify by doing more of that. I’ll explain why the best agents use a platformer, what that is, and how you can do it to make clear to the customer exactly why they should use you.

Your best skill as an agent is to find out what people are looking for and deliver it. Make sure you’re selling the features and benefits that address the customer’s needs. Get feedback from the people who choose you, amplify what works, and do more of that.

Fast Pace Ep 48 – Meeting rhythms for business success

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at why they set meeting rhythms for business success. They outline types of meetings, initiatives to address, and flexibility in scheduling. They note making sure the meeting is productive, that you’re working on the right things, and only essential people are in the room. And they advise explaining your core meeting rhythm and its importance to new people coming into your business.

Forecasts and why they matter

To be an agent for all markets, you want to go against the trends. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll explain how to use forecasts and why they matter in planning what you need to do and when you need to do it during the year ahead.

We’ll talk about looking at your whole year and deciding what’s going to happen in each month, like how many auction Saturdays, school and public holidays, seasonal trends in buying or selling, or like this year, federal elections.

I’ll show you how those events impact the way you play the game and illustrate why it’s critical for you to understand how to navigate those effects. And I’ll illustrate how to use that market knowledge in your conversations with owners.

You can sell a ton of properties during difficult periods if you know how to use forecasts and why they matter, and I’ll step you through that process. Learn to forecast and share those insights with your sellers so they’ll know what to do to maximise sale prices.

Fast Pace Ep 47 – The leader leader model

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan explain how the leader leader model applies in real estate. They show how the leader follower model limits potential and growth whilst the leader leader model helps people think fast, take initiative and make decisions with confidence. They share tips, tools and templates to train, teach and test, and help your people do more as individuals within your framework.

Don’t neglect the balance sheet

In business you’re playing profits and losses. Most agents are focused on top line revenue, but in this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’m here to show you why you don’t neglect the balance sheet if you want to build profits and saleability.

It’s really all about comparing revenue minus expenses. I’ll show you how balance sheets differ between a small business and a publicly traded company, and where profit and loss statements are massively important.

I’ll explain why spreading the percentage of recurring revenue from a particular writer across the sales team reduces risk. Then I’ll break down the balance sheet and show you why it’s your assets and liabilities that show you what’s ultimately won or lost.

It’s important to buy and sell for your own firm as well as your clients. I’ll tell you about buying freeholds and how to use them as assets. Again, don’t neglect the balance sheet. Understand the importance of building significant assets for extreme profits.

Ep 311 – Starting out in a team

This High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on starting out in a team and developing the skillset you’ll need to be useful to other team members. Alex notes the importance of listening, taking in information and asking questions. Josh talks about gaining and using product knowledge and they explore what it is, and illustrate the best ways to learn it.

They discuss the 5 key skills you need to learn, pacing yourself not to try to do too much too fast, asking your agent where your blind spots are and how to improve, and making sure you really understand the core basics.

How to stop getting rejected

Too often we avoid making those crucial phone calls because we fear rejection. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you how to stop getting rejected, end procrastination and overthinking, and take a winning approach with customers.

The key is to open up the customer, find out where they’re at and determine what their next steps should be. I’ll show you why rejection isn’t about you at all, and how to end it by calling the right people, having the right dialogue and asking the right questions.

I’ll tell you how to assume a customer-led strategy by focusing on building relationships, how to read the customer to know which questions to ask, and lead consumers into making much better decisions as a result of using you as their agent.

Your job is to find people who don’t think they’re ready, ask them relevant questions, increase their level of motivation, and get them to ‘yes’. Change your game by identifying the customer’s problem and helping them solve it. That’s how to stop getting rejected.