Fast Pace Ep 77 – Great interview technique

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan show how to conduct a great interview that makes candidates feel good about your organisation. They recommend that you know what you’re recruiting for, look for quality attributes, and have a structure with key questions ready. They also discuss digital vs. face to face and the STAR technique.   

Sustainability and longevity

You can’t run your business for twenty years at the pace you’re running now. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll help you grow your business for sustainability and longevity with the right systems and people, plan for the future, and improve your quality of life.

Ep 295 – The ultimate formula

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss how to build a rock-solid sales business based on three cornerstones – how you generate your leads, what you say in the ultimate customer story to win your listings, and how you process those listings to ensure you sell them for the maximum price.

Master that routine

Wherever you’re working today, it’s critical to master that routine. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how routine sets you free, puts you in charge of getting the work done no matter where you physically are, and sets you up for success into the future.

Succession planning

Your business will fade out if you have no succession plan. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how to do succession planning, generate capital to get people involved, prepare to sell, and find talent that can take the business into the future.

Consistency wins

Creating opportunity every day sets you free. The challenge is doing the work, and I’ll show you in today’s Coaching Tip how consistency wins by compounding effort, learning what works and doing more of it, and using routine to set you free.

Fast Pace Ep 25 – Meeting rhythms for growth

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss meeting rhythms for fast-paced business growth. Talking points include why meeting cadence is important, the purpose of meetings and who should be there, formatting the agenda and time limits, teaching people how to participate, and special circumstances around Zoom meetings. 

Fast Pace Ep 18 – Workspaces of the future

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan have a look into workspaces of the future, workspace culture, what workspaces are becoming and the roles they play in how your business operates. Dean and Josh note changes in workspace structure over time with improved concepts and technologies. They discuss how 100% remote businesses work so well, and ask whether we really need a physical workspace anymore.

Back in control

Today’s market is moving more quickly than ever before and with my Coaching Tip this week I’ll help you get back in control. I’ll show you the routines you need, and help you focus on the things that will make you a great agent and take you where you want to go.