How do we do it here?

Do the people inside of your organisation actually know what you do? In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll challenge you to answer the question, how do we do it here? I’ll show you the importance of understanding equity and choosing not to be a commodity.

Finding latent demand

Right now, people have significant equity, with the capacity to do transactions. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll help you with finding latent demand, and I’ll give you dialogue with a few key questions to create buyers today who will become sellers in the future.

Performance planning

How will you increase performance over the next year? My Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today is all about performance planning. I’ll show you how to build a growth plan so you and your team will know what to do, how to improve and where to find opportunities.

Driving confidence

Confidence separates you from everyone else in your marketplace, and in my Coaching Tip today, I’m talking about driving confidence. I’ll show you how it opens up opportunities, and I’ll give you a 4-step model to get past fear, master your skillsets, and become that great agent.

Skill shortage

After two years of doing business in a virtual world, we’re back in the workplace with a skill shortage for a very different market. In today’s Coaching Tip, I’ll show you the basic skill sets you need and how to develop them, and I’ll share secrets from some of the biggest businesses in Australia.