Fast Pace Ep 11 – What growth are you going for?

This week Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan address the need for visionary growth for your business. It’s the why, what and how of business growth, and Dean begins with insights on how decision making sets the subconscious mind to focus on the end goal. Josh discusses getting clear on business decision principles and how changing your focus changes your outcomes. They agree that making the decision is the secret to setting the vision that creates growth.

Fast Pace Ep 10 – Change management

In this episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at change management processes and practices, why change is good and necessary, and how to make it easier. Dean explains why people resist change, and Josh breaks down the action plan for implementing a new initiative and helping a team get on board with it. Dean exposes some fears people have around change and suggests making things more visible and learning to pivot quickly. 

Strategy, measure, adjust

As a business owner you’ve got to understand the strategies you’ve got in play. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll explain the strategy, measure, adjust process so you can stop doing things that don’t work and start getting the results you need.

The data lake and the future of business

You don’t realise the power sitting inside the data you have. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you the data lake and the future of business, and the power you’ve already got to create a customer experience that will increase your referrals.