Founders S2 Ep 5 – Josh Phegan interviews Steve Osborn from Identity Marketing

This podcast features Josh Phegan talking with Steve Osborn, founder of Identity Marketing. They look at what marketing is for a modern real estate agent, and brand awareness for agencies. Steve describes marketing as understanding the customers desires to bring trust, and creating more value in the marketplace. He explains common marketing mistakes and developing a marketing plan for your firm.

Data sets

The biggest opportunity for your business is sitting inside of your data sets. In today’s Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to use that data to bring customers to you, list landlord’s personal residential properties, and overall give you a competitive advantage.

Confidence dealer

Great agents excel at giving confidence to buyers and sellers. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to become an incredible confidence dealer for them and for yourself because it’s your confidence that gives customers the motivation to do the transaction.

What matters and motivates?

Your job is to help your people achieve their maximum performance. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today, I’ll help you discover what matters and motivates, why your people need a vision for their life, and how to get the best performance from your team.

Momentum shifter

You are your own momentum shifter, and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to shift your momentum by calling past clients, seeing opportunities you’re missing and creating even more. I’ll show you what to do and how to do it. The rest is all you.

USP – Make it clear

You’ve got to make it clear why the customer should use you. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll show you how to understand the needs of the three basic types of customers so you can develop your USPs and train your team to win the business.

How to stop getting rejected

We avoid making phone calls because we fear rejection. In today’s Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to stop getting rejected, assume a customer-led strategy, and take a winning approach to find customers, motivate them, and get them to ‘yes’.

Ep 310 – Making the perfect call

Today’s podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on making the perfect call by identifying your problem areas, keeping calls quick and productive, why speed, time and volume are important, and ways to build confidence and improve your delivery.