Ep 268 – Beating fatigue

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss what it takes to stay fresh during the tsunami of buyer enquiry, feeling prices and fast markets. They delve deep into active recovery routines, finding purpose, celebrating the small wins, and taking time out and away from the game.

The three customers

Why do we make decisions based on guesses around what the customer “maybe” wants? I’ll tell you what you need to know about the three customers you’ll actually be working with and exactly what you need to do for them in my Coaching Tip this week. 

You’ve got three types of customers. First are the ones who love what you do and will always do business with you. Next are the ones who are not using you and have clearly chosen to work with your competitor. And the third type have not made a decision yet.

Each of those types of customers has their own perception about what you do as an agent, and in their minds what they believe is the truth. I’ll show you what you can do to tap into this in powerful and persuasive ways.

When someone reads your email or views your profile they need to instantly know who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. I’ll help you get in front of the three customers, make more realistic decisions, and understand how they’ll ultimately decide to choose you.

Uplift for better USP’s

You’ve built an incredible platform for success, but what do your new hires actually know about your business? You’ve got to give them a solid uplift for better USPs, and in this Principal Coaching Tip, I’ll show you what that means and how to deliver. 

I’m going to tell you the numbers you need to know so you can see what level your business performs at. Then I’ll give you dialogue for your unique selling proposition that will show your customers exactly why they should choose you above other agents.

Give your people the tools to pitch with power and win the business for you. They need to know your numbers, and know what really happens on the inside of your organisation, so they can have a proper tactical and practical conversation with consumers. 

It’s your job to teach, train and test, and give your people that uplift for better USPs. Give them what they need to project confidence in separating and differentiating you from the competition. This is how you platform. This is how you win. 

Ep 267 – Getting off a plateau

In this weeks episode, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss false Everests – why it’s so important to start out again once you’ve arrived, why plateaus are an essential part of the journey, how to reset new goals that motivate and inspire you, the power of great relationships, and pushing you to your potential.

Customer experience design

If you’re going to command the greatest fees, referrals and success, then you’ve got to understand customer experience design. My Coaching Tip this week will show you why Chanel can charge 300 times what the Reject Shop does and how that relates to your business.

I’ll illustrate perceived value with a comparison between what customers find when they visit a Reject Shop vs. a Chanel store. It’s about more than just selling properties. To be the best you must deliver a Chanel-level experience for your clients. 

Your brand is directly associated with everything the customer experiences whilst working with you. People see value at both ends of the proposition. You must decide whether you’re going to be Chanel or the Reject Shop.

In your estate agency, everything is about your customer experience design. I’ll tell you how to build customer loyalty, why you must take the long-term view, and how to redefine what customer service looks like on the inside of your business.

Ep 266 – Setting the scene

In this weeks episode, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss the opening moments in building rapid rapport with a potential vendor, the role of customer experience in booking the appointment, setting expectations, and learning from critical errors so you can prevent them in the future.

Getting back the routine

What’s in your calendar ultimately defines what your real priorities are. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you why getting back the routine is the most powerful thing you can do and how it will set you free.

It’s critical that you have a set of values to guide what you put inside your calendar, and it’s not just about work – it’s about your whole life. I’ll help you understand your restrictions, limitations, and opportunities so you can set a routine that works for you.

I’ve found that working inside a 45-minute session at the start of each day is the most important thing you can do, and I’ll show you how that works toward building momentum. Your routine must support you in doing the things great agents do.

A big part of getting back the routine is about looking after self. I’ll list some of the things you can do every day to make sure you can really perform. A full diary is a fun diary, and routine will enable you to maintain consistency and the power to do your best. 


You’re doing all the right things to really make it happen, but it isn’t happening. In this Principal Coaching Tip, we’re going to talk about alignment because I regularly walk into organisations where they have a massive issue around this one simple thing.

I’ll relate a particular experience I had working with a principal who wanted me to talk to his property management team about growing from 800 to 1000 managed properties. I’ll explain where the pushback against that growth can come from, and why.

The most challenging thing in business is that we send our people on a quest, but we don’t do the research or seek consultation so we can show them how to get there. When people can see where the growth markers are they’ll be able to go where you need them to be.

Your role as a business leader is to make sure your people are clear about what the mission is, where to go and how to get there. It’s your job to channel everyone and help them with alignment so they can succeed.

Ep 265 – Clarity with terms

In this weeks episode, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss how to set the terms clearly for the moments that matter, how Alexander sets out the terms of buying before the auction, the power of organisation – getting everything in the right order so you can act quickly, and empowering buyers to act in fast markets.