Ep 300 – Buyer inspections

This episode features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on why doing the basics well is so important. A lot of agents want to be different but don’t think about being good. Alex tells how he trains new hires to do buyer inspections as an example of mastering a basic skill, absorbing information, and understanding the customer. Josh also notes the need to immediately establish your competence and command of market knowledge with the customer.

They discuss finer points of creating the buyer experience, judging how much space to give them, scheduling follow-up calls, being on time and prepared for buyer appointments, and making sure the house is set up and ready to show.

Get permission, book the appointment

It’s not about the number of calls you make. It’s about the number of appointments you make, and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to get permission, book the appointment, and know what to say to make it happen. 

I coach plenty of people who don’t know how to use the phone. They simply don’t know what to say to be highly effective. I’ll show you why the money is made in the last 10% of the call, with the closer or at the end. 

I’ll illustrate how permission-based questions work and give you dialogue you can use. And I’ll tell you how you can be relevant to the client, be consistent in your actions, and pitch on the business.

You can also use appointment-based questions and I’ll give you that dialogue as well. Knowing what to say will help you overcome being nervous, too. The goal is to get permission, book the appointment, and get seriously good at what you do on the phone.

Fast Pace Ep 32 – Total addressable markets – Fast market share growth

This Fast Pace episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on measuring your total addressable market and initiating new strategies to increase it, making sure your market is big enough, measuring property management market share, scaling on key metrics, and how different market share percentages change the way your business operates.

Founders Ep 3 – The powerful simplicity of Proptech

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan & David Choi are joined by Daniel Bignold, CEO of Propps, to discuss how proptech helps agents run their businesses more efficiently. We talk about alleviating friction and maintaining consistency in the sales process, and Daniel outlines the Propps White Label agent-centric solution. He illustrates how customers can make binding and non-binding offers online, how Propps employs simplicity of design to avoid barriers to adoption, and steps us through the way the process works and what the result looks like.

Hybrid teams

What are you doing to increase your leadership skills? In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you why the quality of your skills has to increase up to ten times what they are today, especially if you’re leading hybrid teams.

I’ll explain the leader-leader / leader-follower models and the dynamics of each leadership style. And I’ll show you why the leader-leader model works much better than leader-follower in the long term.

I’ll define what a hybrid workforce is and describe several types. I’ll suggest some incredible digital tools you need and key skills that really make hybrid teams work. And I’ll show you why consistency in leadership is so important.

The biggest problem with hybrid teams is lack of communication. I’ll give you some simple key questions to ask your people, and tell you how to reset your organisation with a collaborative post-covid culture.

Ep 299 – Lessons for when regulators intervene

In this podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss the impact of government intervention in the property cycle. Josh outlines stages of the cycle, and describes government agencies and regulations that affect negotiations. Alex illustrates the snowball effect from changes and differences in assessment rates. And Josh tells how interest rates can put the brakes on the market.

Alex and Josh continue with the importance of educating your owners early on about market dynamics, aligning their expectations around auction day, and helping them understand what’s happening in their market so they can make better decisions.

What matters and motivates?

We live in a world of urgency and distraction, and it’s hard to find what it is you really want in life. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll help you determine what matters and motivates for you, and what it is you really want to do.

What do you actually want? It’s a hard question, but knowing what you want makes the biggest difference in how you operate. I’ll help you discover what defines you, and step you through my “What Matters/What Motivates” exercise.

I’ll show you how to use your internal edit button to make sure you experience more of what you love and simply edit out those things you no longer need to be a part of. These are decisions you’ll need to make to define yourself for this bold new era.

It’s about only doing what matters and motivates in your life. Those who have clarity around what they want are the ones who ultimately win. Let’s get you back on track to success and on the radar to reaching your goals.

Fast Pace Ep 31 – How to win in an all-digital, work anywhere world

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss how to win in a digital world, how digital has changed the way we work, digitising manual processes, accepting digital is here to stay, how digital makes the customer experience much easier, the work anywhere philosophy, and how training and mentoring happens now.

Founders Ep 2 – The evolution of Identity Marketing

This podcast features Josh Phegan & David Choi talking with Steve Osborn, founder of Identity Marketing. We look at marketing initiatives and brand standards for internal and external communications, defining and marketing your brand identity and designing the ultimate customer experience. Steve shows why you need an agency to package and promote your brand, advises developing a plan of action for internal and external marketing teams, and promotes bringing back brand campaigns as the next evolution of creating customer awareness.

Ep 298 – The rush to the finish line.

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips & Josh Phegan discuss:
How to use the timeline method to encourage sellers to market now.
When to list for 2022.
The best way to progress customers, maintain your focus and finish this year strong.