Fast Pace Ep 60 – The power of models in creative thinking

This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discussing the power of models in creative thinking. They look at the need for having your growth infrastructure in place from the start, your vision and the goals that drive you and your decisions, building a strong business core, creating an environment for innovation, and thinking from fresh new viewpoints.

End of financial year metrics

What are the metrics that really matter to your business? In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll show you how you can use your end of financial year metrics to increase growth, revenue and profit and ultimately change the nature of your business.

We’ll look at the net growth of your property management business for the year, and I’ll explain how to use your annual and monthly revenue and expenses to see your total revenue and recurring revenue, and maintain a monthly recurring profit.

Most people focus on top line profit and loss, but it’s the balance sheet items that show you your assets and saleable value. Using these numbers, I’ll help you define what success looks like for you over the next 12 months.

I’ll show you how to use your end of financial year metrics to start thinking differently about what you’re doing over the next 12 months. Let’s get clear about the strategies you need to put in play and the bigger opportunities you should pursue.

Ep 323 – Equity event

This High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips with their perspective on the highly significant equity event we’ve just experienced in real estate. Alex begins by defining equity and explaining why it’s so important to understand for the market ahead. Josh talks about how the stock market created this event, and they discuss the assets and investments you should be putting together now to create more opportunities in the future.

They look at equity and increased buyer demand, changing the reference point, greater capability to borrow than ever before, and having the right conversations with people to help them change the way they think about doing transactions.

Sustainability and longevity

Could you run your business for twenty years at the pace you’re running it today? In this Coaching Tip, I’ll examine sustainability and longevity, and I’ll help you visualise how you really want to run your business and enjoy your life.

We’ll look at whether you’re living to work or working to live. I’ll show you how to stop feeling exhausted from chucking all your time at your problems and start feeling energised by structuring what you’re doing.

People who feel renewed by their work have put the right systems and people around them. I’ll tell you how to build that structure the right way and then play the mix. And I’ll show you why planning is so important and show you how to do that.

Of course, you build a team to produce income, but also for the sustainability and longevity of your business. You’ll enjoy a better quality of life if you love what you’re doing. Bring in great people, thin out what you do, and focus on what really makes you an incredible agent.

Fast Pace Ep 59 – Development paths

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at development paths and how individuals view their career progression. They talk about being clear around how your people move forward into different functions within the organisation and how to help them succeed. They discuss retaining good people, career acceleration, the concept of real estate accreditation, and creating a culture of mastery.

Ep 322 – Hitting refresh

Today’s High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on hitting refresh as we come off an incredible market to find that we’re having to really work again. Alex offers some ways to regain momentum, productivity and performance. He recommends disconnecting from the workflow for a few days, and he tells how to preplan and when to schedule for holidays. He warns against being burnt out and retired by 40 and tells how you can gain an extra week toward taking that time off.

Josh explains how hitting reset is about changing inputs, refreshing your mindset and perspective, setting a positive vision about the things you really want to create and do, and recognising what motivates you and matters to you.

Conversion mastery

One of your biggest costs of business is wastage. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how to attain conversion mastery and get seriously good at doing only what works. Strategy, measure, and adjust – or disappear.

I’ll tell you how to cut the wastage, amplify what works and get rid of the things that don’t. You may have a great strategy, but if you’re not willing to adjust, it won’t help you. I’ll show you what actually works in real estate and what doesn’t.

Getting the conversion right comes down to asking the most essential question. I’ll tell you how knowing the ownership status of the customer allows you to convert them into buyers. And I’ll explain the difference between awareness campaigns and conversion campaigns.

Conversion mastery involves being successful in the way you serve your customer. Businesses that don’t do that cease to exist. Get focused on the opportunities in front of you, do the things that get results, and get everything you can out of all that you do.

Fast Pace Ep 58 – Growing a future management team

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan offer leadership guidance around growing a future management team. They discuss cultural environment, growth and alignment, succession planning, types of leadership, recognising and developing talent, the leadership journey, the line of continuum, and training for initiative and autonomy.

Train experiences

Rote training for information alone will quickly fade from memory. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll tell you why you’ve got to train experiences to everyone inside of your business, and what that training looks like.

Training experience is about what it is that you do, and how you need to do it. It’s a sequence of events that occur in alignment. Without that ordered sequence the most important things happen randomly, or they don’t happen at all.

You want to minimise the variance in the level of service your business provides to the customer, and be known as the business that delivers high quality service with consistency, no matter which of your people the customer encounters.

I’ll show you how to map out all of the experiences that happen inside of your business to get a property sold, and train that core to the people inside of your organisation. Train experience and your people will consistently be exceptional in their delivery.

Ep 321 – Selling confidence

In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss selling confidence to buyers and sellers toward doing a transaction. Alex gives examples of how he educates clients about their marketplace and gives them the confidence to make good, timely decisions. Josh talks about giving people perspective as a way to hit reset and what to tell sellers to get them to go ahead and come to market.

Alex offers his projections on upcoming market trends. He tells how he shares that knowledge with potential clients, how he progresses them and notes the discussions that agents need to have with clients.