How to stop getting rejected

We avoid making phone calls because we fear rejection. In today’s Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to stop getting rejected, assume a customer-led strategy, and take a winning approach to find customers, motivate them, and get them to ‘yes’.

Why you lose listings

You need to know why you lose listings, and in my Coaching Tip today, I’ll help you build a winning listing presentation, ask game changing questions, end the listing successfully – whether they sign or not – and list a property with just four questions.

Then what?

You know what you’re supposed to do, but do you? And then what do you do next? In this Coaching Tip I’ll help you get clear on what to do and then do next, how to build a system to specify next steps, and how to assess and train your team to get that clarity.

Happy, anxious, sad

Understand what the customer goes through with every transaction and you’ll win your market. In this Coaching Tip I’ll clarify the happy, anxious, sad moments you need to recognise so you can engineer the experience you want your customers to have.

Listing for 2022

It’s up to you to play the game with a mindset ahead of the curve. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll help you start listing in 2022, get your first campaigns running early, get overflow buyers into homes and use digital tools to sell a ton of properties in January.

Building for growth

Whether you were lucky in 2021 or hoping to be in 2022 it’s time to start building for growth, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll help you review 2021 and build for growth in 2022 by knowing your numbers and getting strategic with your business, starting right now.