Ep 344 – Building pipelines (how to build, manage, review and progress)

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on building pipelines, managing and reviewing them, progressing clients, making just-sold calls quickly, calling all people who are relevant to a transaction, and knowing what it is you’re really chasing.

Finding latent demand

Right now, people have significant equity, with the capacity to do transactions. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll help you with finding latent demand, and I’ll give you dialogue with a few key questions to create buyers today who will become sellers in the future.

Motivation commitment

It’s motivation that makes a market fluid and commitment that completes the transaction. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll examine the motivations of buyers, sellers and you as an agent, and I’ll show you how your understanding of these elements will help you win.

Happy, anxious, sad

Understand what the customer goes through with every transaction and you’ll win your market. In this Coaching Tip I’ll clarify the happy, anxious, sad moments you need to recognise so you can engineer the experience you want your customers to have.

Ep 290 – Managing stakeholders

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about recognizing and managing stakeholders and building long-term relationships with them, working with solicitors, listing with economic buyers and influencers, and maintaining a panel of advisors.

Driving relevance

Too many agents build a big database and do nothing with it. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you the importance of driving relevance, the one simple thing successful agents do first each day, and how to stay relevant by thinking differently in brand new ways.