Founders Ep 5 – Interactive tools for real estate content marketing

This podcast features Josh Phegan & David Choi talking with Jay Morris of Diakrit, a company that creates 2-and 3-D interactive floorplans. Jay’s intent is to provide great information for buyers quickly so they’re not wasting time. We talk about real estate content marketing and extending dwell time, COVID as an opportunity to work differently and what we’ve learned from it, augmented reality and other positioning and presentation tools that get the consumer to move forward and make an offer.

The ‘for more than profit’ business model

A business must be about more than making money. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll help you define your purpose using the ‘for more than profit’ business model, express it clearly, and build connection with your internal and external customers.

Ep 301 – Transitioning

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through how to adjust to the transitions; from buyers chasing you to you chasing buyers, the move from private appointments to open houses, the snap back to 3-week campaigns, and how to adjust to the new changes by APRA, threats of inflation, interest rate increases and the 2022 Federal Election.

The all-digital, work anywhere world

We’re living in the all-digital work anywhere world now, and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll help you change your mindset so you can run systems and automate processes from wherever you are. I’ll help you become a successful agent, now and in the future.

Fast Pace Ep 33 – Tools and technologies for teams that work

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan talk about tools and technologies for teams, compare the tools they use and overview Slack, outline ways to improve uptake, explain how to choose the software your business needs and the best tool for a specific situation, and how these tools and technologies deliver on the customer experience.  

Fast Pace Ep 31 – How to win in an all-digital, work anywhere world

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss how to win in a digital world, how digital has changed the way we work, digitising manual processes, accepting digital is here to stay, how digital makes the customer experience much easier, the work anywhere philosophy, and how training and mentoring happens now.

Master that routine

Wherever you’re working today, it’s critical to master that routine. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how routine sets you free, puts you in charge of getting the work done no matter where you physically are, and sets you up for success into the future.

Capacity with buyers

Great agents are using technology to serve more customers, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to manage capacity with buyers by making open for inspections more efficient, setting up digital systems, and being ready the instant they’re ready to buy.