Fast Pace Ep 77 – Great interview technique

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan show how to conduct a great interview that makes candidates feel good about your organisation. They recommend that you know what you’re recruiting for, look for quality attributes, and have a structure with key questions ready. They also discuss digital vs. face to face and the STAR technique.   

Fast Pace Ep 69 – Coaching for performance

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan offer tips to business leaders on coaching for performance. They talk about people’s willingness to be coached, characteristics of an effective coach, questioning to coach for a solution, and the questions that need to be asked. 

Fast Pace Ep 67 – How to build a system

This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan explaining how to build a system and how that can solve so many basic business problems. They define what a system is and where you need to use them, solving the right problem by asking the right questions and developing cultured discipline and accountability.

Finding latent demand

Right now, people have significant equity, with the capacity to do transactions. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll help you with finding latent demand, and I’ll give you dialogue with a few key questions to create buyers today who will become sellers in the future.

Getting altitude

Great things happen when you start getting altitude. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you some simple things you can do to get more exposure, find the opportunities sitting inside your database, and gain the momentum you need to change the course of your business.

Why you lose listings

You need to know why you lose listings, and in my Coaching Tip today, I’ll help you build a winning listing presentation, ask game changing questions, end the listing successfully – whether they sign or not – and list a property with just four questions.

Fast growth – what’s next for you?

How do you coach that person in your business whose growth is spiralling out of control? In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how to help your people manage fast growth, stay ahead of them as a leader, and have a bigger vision of what’s next for you.

Get permission, book the appointment

It’s not the number of calls, it’s the number of appointments you make. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to get permission, book the appointment, and know exactly what to say to make that happen. It’s time to get seriously good at what you do on the phone.

Hybrid teams

The quality of your leadership skills has to increase tenfold if you’re leading hybrid teams. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you basic leadership models, key skills that make hybrid teams work, and how to set your post-covid culture.