Fast Pace Ep 28 – Lifting engagement across workforces of the future

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss lifting engagement across workforces of the future and what that looks like. They explore hybrid workplaces, cross-generational expectations, non-dollar-productive activities, exercises for maximising engagement, leadership that connects to people, and the plus dot minus chart for measuring engagement. 


We measure things in order to coach people more effectively, and this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip is all about the metrics that allow you to identify problems, take immediate action to shift back on track, and boom your performance for the outcomes you need. 

Fast Pace Ep 8 – Metrics for clarity of mission

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss getting clarity on your mission by using metrics to guide decision making. They examine measurements you can apply to your own business, benchmarks that prove achievement, and what to do now to accelerate your growth. Dean and Josh show how changing the way you think leads to greater focus, they agree on taking the long-term view, and advise thinking big around the mission.

Strategy, measure, adjust

As a business owner you’ve got to understand the strategies you’ve got in play. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll explain the strategy, measure, adjust process so you can stop doing things that don’t work and start getting the results you need.