Balancing act

We live with competing demands and it’s a balancing act to decide what really needs our attention most. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll help you get intentional about the things that work for you, and shut out the rest so you can achieve your ultimate success.

Fast Pace Ep 3 – Service lines

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss the secret to serving today’s multi-dimensional customer including The services lines of a modern estate agency, why you need scale to drive recurring and ancillary income, the future service experiences that are required now, the power of data and relationships to serve in new and better ways.

Ep 270 – Unique Selling Proposition

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss unique selling propositions. What are they? How do they work? And what are the specific USP’s that win? They delve deep into brand, office and individual USP’s and how to use those when pitching to win.

Fast Pace Ep 2 – What builds a great culture?

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss how to build a great culture rapidly. We discuss: The role of purpose and values, how to define a brand – what it stands for, feels like, and it’s personality, what it means to be apart of your business, the essential systems to build a great business culture as it scales, the new world of recognition, awards, training and growth.

Ep 269 – Holding fee in competitive markets

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss what it takes to win on value. They showcase the different ways to present fee, how to understand your value when presenting, what to do during a fee negotiation and simple dialogue to overcome fee objections.

Fast Pace Ep 1 – Living life on purpose

In this weeks episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss why business is the perfect tool for personal achievement, how great leaders see more in their people than they see in themselves, how to have confronting conversations and help people make progress so they can contribute more to the business’s success and life.

Ep 267 – Getting off a plateau

In this weeks episode, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss false Everests – why it’s so important to start out again once you’ve arrived, why plateaus are an essential part of the journey, how to reset new goals that motivate and inspire you, the power of great relationships, and pushing you to your potential.

The “who not how” paradox

Imagine a new level of possibilities inside of your business. In this Coaching Tip I’ll help you understand the “who not how” paradox to help you put great people around you so you can focus on building a sustainable business and becoming the best agent you can be.

Data driven decisions

You’ve got an amazing team and business, but are you maximising your data? In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how to make quality data driven decisions so you understand what really works inside of your business and how you can be an incredible agent.

Customer obsession

Customer experience is today’s marketing. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll tell you why customer obsession is everything, and we’ll discuss client enablement, fast consumers, the social media driven market, and why we had a real estate boom during the pandemic.