Listing for 2022

It’s up to you to play the game with a mindset ahead of the curve. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll help you start listing in 2022, get your first campaigns running early, get overflow buyers into homes and use digital tools to sell a ton of properties in January.

Ep 303 – Buyers/sellers

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss the art of working with buyers who are sellers, including the skill of asking great questions, finding out the problem of the client, showing buyers through private appointments so they can see what’s on offer, and the role of the buyer/seller hitlist.

Founders Ep 5 – Interactive tools for real estate content marketing

This podcast features Josh Phegan & David Choi talking with Jay Morris of Diakrit, a company that creates 2-and 3-D interactive floorplans. Jay’s intent is to provide great information for buyers quickly so they’re not wasting time. We talk about real estate content marketing and extending dwell time, COVID as an opportunity to work differently and what we’ve learned from it, augmented reality and other positioning and presentation tools that get the consumer to move forward and make an offer.

Ep 301 – Transitioning

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through how to adjust to the transitions; from buyers chasing you to you chasing buyers, the move from private appointments to open houses, the snap back to 3-week campaigns, and how to adjust to the new changes by APRA, threats of inflation, interest rate increases and the 2022 Federal Election.

Ep 300 – Buyer inspections

Today’s High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on doing the basics well, skills training for new hires, understanding the customer, establishing buyer trust in your competence, and creating the buyer experience.

Ep 298 – The rush to the finish line.

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips & Josh Phegan discuss:
How to use the timeline method to encourage sellers to market now.
When to list for 2022.
The best way to progress customers, maintain your focus and finish this year strong.

Ep 296 – Surfing the tidal waves

In this podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss surfing the tidal waves of the upcoming market, whether there will be more or fewer listings at end of year, where customer interest will be after lockdown, and confirming buyers are qualified to commit.  

Ep 290 – Managing stakeholders

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about recognizing and managing stakeholders and building long-term relationships with them, working with solicitors, listing with economic buyers and influencers, and maintaining a panel of advisors.

Price in context

You’ve got to deliver the offer in context so they know the price is right. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to put price in context, present the offer in a way the owner can understand and act upon it, and always be the agent with the best advice.

Fast Format – July 2021

Hit-refresh. Watch Fast Format now. During the session, Josh will cover the latest market changes across Aus and NZ, how to hit refresh and get back on the radar of your goals, the best ways to progress your pipeline, how to rapidly grow you and your team, get motivated, energised and ready for what’s ahead.