The game of retention

There’s no ceiling on the amount of income you can produce in real estate, but there’s also no floor. My Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today is about the game of retention and how to hang on to your existing people in today’s uncertain market.

People are looking to you for great sales leadership. I’ll show you some changes you can make to help them be even more financially successful as they were last year, and prevent them from moving into other industries that appear to be easier.

As a leader, your skill is to build confidence in your people and show them what to do in declining markets. I’ll give you the elements of the playbook you can give them, and tell you why it’s so important to celebrate every victory.

We’re working with a completely new set of conditions, and the game of retention is more challenging than ever before. I’ll show you how to retain your top tier talent by showing them a bigger, better future inside of your estate agency.

Expired listings

Markets are changing rapidly, and agents haven’t adapted. As a result, clients are feeling betrayed as their properties fail to sell. In today’s Coaching Tip, I’m talking about expired listings and what you need to do when you go to sell that unsold property.

Hope is not a strategy. You need a plan, and I’ll show you what to look for in the last agent’s failed campaign so you won’t make the same mistakes they did. It’s also important to look at what did sell during the same time period and what worked for those listings.

You’ll also need to regain the trust of the customer. I’ll step you through the actions you’ll take to show your client that you can build a new campaign that will get their property sold, and quickly.

Expired listings require a plan, and I’ll outline what you should be doing with any property that doesn’t sell on auction day. It’s best to avoid having listings expire in the first place, but you can sell that property if you know what to do.

Fast Pace Ep 75 – Business intelligence

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan explore business intelligence and insights inside the data. They look at data driven decision making, fully utilising the tools you have, small moves that make big shifts, capturing customer moments that matter, combining data sources for fuller insight, and becoming aware of unconscious behaviours.

Founders S2 Ep 6 – Josh Phegan interviews Angus Ferguson from Domain Group

In this podcast, Josh Phegan interviews Angus Ferguson, Commercial Director of Agent Solutions at Domain Group. In this episode, they look at the real estate process and the tools to help agents move through the processes, from agency agreements to settlement. They look at the future of how people access technology and become aware of the different solution providers available in the marketplace, and the different problems Domain solves in the digital workspace.

Six stages of campaign

You have just one chance to do each real estate campaign seriously well. In today’s Coaching Tip, I will take you through the six stages of campaign in detail so that you’ll always know where you are in the process and what to do next to get the property sold.

I’ll clarify the importance of the photo shoot for generating interest and driving FOMO, the off market stage where you get the first people to the property, and launch week with the first open for inspections.

I’ll explain why it’s critically important in the on market stage to get an offer on the home by day 14. Then on and around auction day, you need to decide how you’ll actually make the sale. And I’ll show you what we do post auction if the property still hasn’t sold.

It’s important to pay attention to the details around the six stages of campaign and not skip any steps. Understand all of these components, and you’ll increase your value as the agent who always knows what to do next to get the property sold.

Fast Pace Ep 74 – The game of retention

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look beyond great recruitment to the next level: Great retention. It takes a mindset for recognising and supporting potential, enforced accountability, a sense of purpose beyond money, caring and interest in your people, and active, intentional gratitude.

Founders S2 Ep 5 – Josh Phegan interviews Steve Osborn from Identity Marketing

This podcast features Josh Phegan talking with Steve Osborn, founder of Identity Marketing. They look at what marketing is for a modern real estate agent, and brand awareness for agencies. Steve describes marketing as understanding the customers desires to bring trust, and creating more value in the marketplace. He explains common marketing mistakes and developing a marketing plan for your firm.

Rules for success

A great leader has to have a clear set of rules. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today, I’ll give you the basic rules for success, explain what they specifically do, and show you how important they are to your business.

You know you have challenges in a declining market. You need to have systems in play that allow your people to play at their best. I’ll explain some of the skills you need and how you can support your sales team in providing the best advice.

I’ll show you some of your available options and changes you can make to drive momentum. Let’s get clear around what your rules are so you know which skills you need. I’ll step through some skills to help you keep everything on track.

Following these rules for success makes everything easier. I’ll tell you the things you must be sure of and what you need to do to maximise that sale price. Understand the rules, put them in play, and use them to help your people get results quickly.