Ep 248 – Spring momentum

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan get ready for Spring. Choose your best call lists – market appraisals, seller hit list, past clients, key referrers to drive market momentum. Commit to what great agents do – increase your appointment numbers – buyer appointments, market appraisals, listing appointments and for our Melbourne agents, get ready for a huge rebound in activity as we anticipate the post lockdown market.

Better dialogue

Sometimes on the phone, everything just comes together, whilst other times it’s so bad you feel you shouldn’t even be making calls that day. The secret is better dialogue, and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how you can make that connection with the customer.

When you’re good at doing dialogue you’ll find that you’re asking specific game-changing questions depending on who you’re dealing with. I’ll give you some examples of great dialogue and we’ll dig deeper to discover why these questions work.

I’ll show you how your queries can often go in alternate directions, and demonstrate dialogue you can use to form the consumer relationship. And I’ll give you two great questions to ask a buyer that will turn them into a seller.

We’ll talk about knowing your intention for every call before you make it, and I’ll outline three simple call structures. Great agents have a formula for success through better dialogue with every call they make. You simply make it easy for customers to say Yes.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 247 – Customers over competitors

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan challenge agents who are competitor focused. You should keep your competitors close and drive your entire business around what you do for the customer. We’ll talk through understanding the moments that matter and developing a customer experience that keeps customers coming back for more.

Reduce the risk

As an agent, there are four critical areas where you need to reduce the risk to amplify performance. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll list those areas, define what they do, and help you discover areas where you can improve.

The first area is how you generate your leads. You need to know what works for you and have a formula for it that you can teach to others. Next is how you win listings. You need to know exactly what you say and do to connect with the customer and win the business.

The third area is how you sell your existing stock. Getting stock management right is critical to your success. And the fourth area is how you grow your people and your team, and help them to be successful.

I’ll show you how to examine these four areas to find and reduce the risk in your sales process today. We’ll look at what works and why, and you’ll get clear on which area you need to focus on right now to amplify performance and get better results.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 246 – Reducing Days On Market

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips & Josh Phegan discuss the rapid change of consumers and how the most urgent buyers pay the most. The emergence of the convenience society is forcing faster days on market, and if you don’t list a property correctly you risk damaging the property during the campaign.

Data Driven Decisions

Time is powerful, and the way you manage your diary is the way you run your life. You decide where to put your time, energy and resources. In this Coaching Tip, I’m talking about the data-driven decisions you could be making as an agent to get better results.

Data-driven decisions determine how you should be spending your time. First, we’ll get clarity on what your actual lead sources are. And we’ll talk about where and how you actually meet your vendors.

We’ll talk about the importance of being clear on what it is you do so you can teach it to all the new people who join your business. I’ll give you the best strategy to set them up to amplify a specific lead source and get results.

I’ll also explain getting and using the measurements for your conversion campaign, and I’ll give you the 2 questions that turn a buyer into a seller. Data-driven decisions will tell you what to say, which resources to apply, and how best to allocate your time.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 245 – The game of confidence

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss the game of confidence. What impact will the Melbourne lockdown have on national confidence? And what would Alexander do if he had 30 business days to improve his business in a lockdown?

What do you do with feedback?

Often we simply do what other agents do, especially when we collect feedback. So what do you do with feedback? In this week’s Coaching Tip I’m going to tell you how to get the feedback you can actually use, and how to really make it work for you.

Most agents get feedback right after the property sells, but the response you get is dependent on your result, the time it took, and the sale method. What you want to find out is why you won the business in the first place.

If you lose a listing, the feedback you get will often be delivered as a subtle let-down. This feedback is not going to help you improve, and it may lead to you making bad decisions in your next listing presentation based upon your diminished self-confidence.

Your best feedback will happen within 24 hours of winning the listing. I’ll tell you the best way to gather that feedback and the best questions to ask, and I’ll share insights and benefits I’ve gained from using these methods inside of my own business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Teach, Test, Train

As a sales manager, owner, or principal, your job is to provide a platform that guarantees success for your people. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll show you how to teach, test, train fundamental skills to accomplish that goal.

When you teach your people how to list they learn to tell the story of what your business does for the client. Ultimately they will provide the level of service needed to deliver on the promise made at the listing presentation.

Teaching, testing and training your people means teaching them the basic idea, then testing them around what you need them to do, and then retraining those skills until they get it right. A great agent will spend the time required to learn those skills.

I’ll tell you how to test around listing skills, and outline the points to look at as they run through their presentation. After you test you’ll know where to retrain. And I’ll show you how teach, test, train leads to higher levels of growth within your team and your business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

Ep 244 – Recession? How to work through market cycles

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss why it’s healthy for a market to expand and contract. While technically we’re in a recession it doesn’t feel like it. Factors like the lowest interest rates on record, restrictions on what we can do, and Australians fascination with the property may well see it as the ‘safe haven’ during choppy conditions.