USP – Make it clear

You’ve got to make it clear why the customer should use you. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll show you how to understand the needs of the three basic types of customers so you can develop your USPs and train your team to win the business.

Beyond survival

Your role goes beyond survival for your business, and in my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today, I’ll show you how to make sure new people start at a higher level and are clear from the start around what you do and what makes your brand unique.

Fast Pace Ep 12 – Driving USPs

In this episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan talk about driving USPs. Josh begins discussion of unique selling propositions by defining what they are and pointing to the ways that businesses fail to fully support them. Dean weighs in with customer impressions and USP approaches that really stand out. Josh adds the need to find the one thing consumers will respond to and do that. Get clear on your unique components and use them.