Teach, Test, Train

As a leader, your job is to provide a platform that guarantees success. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll show you how to teach, test, train fundamental skills that ultimately deliver the customer service and business growth you need.

The Three Meetings: Buyer Hitlist, Potential Seller, Stock Review

Meetings help your business grow faster, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you the three meetings you must have every week to be an amazing agent – buyer hitlist, potential seller, and stock review.

Getting back the Rhythm

To be an incredible agent, do what great agents do. It’s about getting back the rhythm, and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you how to play at your best through setting intention and routine, and redefining what success looks like for you.

Ep 241 – Establishing Value

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk about the cycle – lower volumes lead to agents panicking and competing on fee. When you compete on fee, you force down the industry. The best agents realise you need to hold or increase fee in lower volume markets, and instead compete on value – on what they do for the customer. There can only be one agent in every market that is the cheapest, so how are you planning on competing? Value.

What do great real estate agents do?

What do great real estate agents do? I’ve got answers for you in my Coaching Tip this week to help you get past distractions and stay consistent, make your own market, get in front of people who need to buy and sell, and learn to play this game in new and powerful ways.

Ep 238 – The New Era

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan look into what’s driving the smashing of auction reserves in inner-city markets, how to generate more stock given low levels of new listings and how to use fear as a motivator to stay consistent in choppy conditions.

Re-imagine Prospecting

It’s time to define a formula for what you do and how you generate leads. In this week’s Coaching Tip I will help you re-imagine prospecting, build a social network, expand with landlords and past clients, and overall find your strengths and play to them.

What does great buyer work look like?

Buyers are your biggest database category, but you have to know what to do with them. So what does great buyer work look like? It’s the art of what a great prospecting agent does, and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you exactly what you need to know, do and say.

The power of case studies

How can you convince buyers to pursue a property and sellers to sell at the highest rates possible? In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you the power of case studies, how to use video for impact, and why this is your number one weapon in today’s marketplace.

Ep 232 – Creating Urgency

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about driving urgency, getting buyers through properties and eventually into negotiation, scheduling buyer appointments to create competition, streaming virtual open for inspections, and current lead indicators.