Fast Pace Ep 4 – Functional lanes

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss how to rapidly reshape your team for growth with functional lanes, including why you need to let go to grow, the skills versus what’s needed matrix, what functional swim lanes are and why specialists and generalists are needed for each stage of business growth, and how you enable people to do their best.

Ep 270 – Unique Selling Proposition

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss unique selling propositions. What are they? How do they work? And what are the specific USP’s that win? They delve deep into brand, office and individual USP’s and how to use those when pitching to win.

Ep 269 – Holding fee in competitive markets

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss what it takes to win on value. They showcase the different ways to present fee, how to understand your value when presenting, what to do during a fee negotiation and simple dialogue to overcome fee objections.

Ep 264 – The question skill

In this week’s episode, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss questions as a skill, including what makes a great question, the difference between situational and problem-based questions, how to develop question flow, and the game-changing questions for better conversations.

Data driven decisions

You’ve got an amazing team and business, but are you maximising your data? In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how to make quality data driven decisions so you understand what really works inside of your business and how you can be an incredible agent.

Re-align, re-price, re-market

You don’t want to answer the phone as soon as the owner’s name pops up. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you how to re-align, re-price, re-market unsold properties by knowing what to watch for, how to advise, and what actions to take to get to sold.

Ep 260 – Hit refresh

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through what’s critical to refresh your business, including reviewing what’s worked this year for your best lead sources, resetting your financials around volume, average fee and average sale price, the forecast for what’s ahead with NSW stamp duty changes, preparing for a lockdown so if it happens you have a plan, and the simple idea of “who, not how” to expand your thinking on what’s possible.

Negotiation environment

As an agent, you must have the ability to create competitive tension. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll give you the necessary elements to set up a negotiation environment to quickly and decisively arrive at a binding agreement that’s successful for seller, buyer, and you.

Ep 259 – Last minute resistance

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through everything closing, including what to do at the end of the listing presentation, how to overcome vendor delay tactics, dealing with different client types,, and effective follow-up that wins every time.

Fast Format – November 2020

It’s time for new era goals – as an industry, we’ve massively adapted. Get set for 2021, what do you need to do to get prepared? Let’s make the rest of this year count. This is our time, the time to do great work and to make it as an agent. This is an exclusive, limited-edition event – Fast Format. We cover getting ready for 2021 now, how to list now for next year, how to re-position existing stock to get it sold, how to make data-driven decisions for a much bigger business next year.