Ep 251 – Building profile

In this weeks edition of the podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss how to build your profile rapidly. From the role of customer experience, social proof during a transaction, how to work auctions and PR to create personal brand momentum. This is an episode not to be missed.

Fast Format – September 2020

Get set for Spring, progress your pipeline and win more listings. Let’s make the rest of 2020 count. In a world that’s rapidly changing, you must adapt. This is our time, the time to do great work and to make it as an agent. During the session, you’ll learn: What the best agents are doing to maximise their results during COVID-19, how to set yourself up for an incredible finish to 2020, where to spend your time and energy to get the most results, how to work your pipeline and produce listings now, what to do in your listing presentation to be dynamic and the agent of choice. It’s a Fast Format for a rapidly changing market. It’s time to re-invent. It’s time to own the future.

Ep 248 – Spring momentum

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan get ready for Spring. Choose your best call lists – market appraisals, seller hit list, past clients, key referrers to drive market momentum. Commit to what great agents do – increase your appointment numbers – buyer appointments, market appraisals, listing appointments and for our Melbourne agents, get ready for a huge rebound in activity as we anticipate the post lockdown market.

Ep 244 – Recession? How to work through market cycles

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss why it’s healthy for a market to expand and contract. While technically we’re in a recession it doesn’t feel like it. Factors like the lowest interest rates on record, restrictions on what we can do, and Australians fascination with the property may well see it as the ‘safe haven’ during choppy conditions.

Ep 242 – Core skills and hunger for growth

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss the most common element for any agent that makes it – their hunger for growth. To be seriously good, you have to master the core skills – from prospecting to listing, to negotiation. You never know when or where you’re going to learn something, the secret is to keep showing up.

Ep 241 – Establishing Value

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk about the cycle – lower volumes lead to agents panicking and competing on fee. When you compete on fee, you force down the industry. The best agents realise you need to hold or increase fee in lower volume markets, and instead compete on value – on what they do for the customer. There can only be one agent in every market that is the cheapest, so how are you planning on competing? Value.

The Age of Safety and Performance

In this week’s coaching tip, we explore how consumers preferences are rapidly changing, including the evolution from the safety to the convenience economy. 2020 has seen a rapid shift; convenience is now expected and no longer the differentiator it was. Safety and performance are now prevalent in the consumer decision cycle with Covid-19. Now’s the time to perfect your pitch and win.

Re-imagine Prospecting

It’s time to define a formula for what you do and how you generate leads. In this week’s Coaching Tip I will help you re-imagine prospecting, build a social network, expand with landlords and past clients, and overall find your strengths and play to them.

What does great buyer work look like?

Buyers are your biggest database category, but you have to know what to do with them. So what does great buyer work look like? It’s the art of what a great prospecting agent does, and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you exactly what you need to know, do and say.

Resetting Everest – 5 steps to change

Resetting Everest requires change, and as a leader you’ve got to be good at it. In this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll tell you the 5 steps to change, show you how to implement them, and outline a clear advantage to win in today’s market.