What do you do with feedback?

We often tend to do what other agents do, but what do you do with feedback? In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll tell you when and how to get feedback you can actually use, what to avoid doing, and I’ll share insights from using these methods inside of my own business.

Teach, Test, Train

As a leader, your job is to provide a platform that guarantees success. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll show you how to teach, test, train fundamental skills that ultimately deliver the customer service and business growth you need.

Ep 244 – Recession? How to work through market cycles

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss why it’s healthy for a market to expand and contract. While technically we’re in a recession it doesn’t feel like it. Factors like the lowest interest rates on record, restrictions on what we can do, and Australians fascination with the property may well see it as the ‘safe haven’ during choppy conditions.

Ep 241 – Establishing Value

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk about the cycle – lower volumes lead to agents panicking and competing on fee. When you compete on fee, you force down the industry. The best agents realise you need to hold or increase fee in lower volume markets, and instead compete on value – on what they do for the customer. There can only be one agent in every market that is the cheapest, so how are you planning on competing? Value.

The Age of Safety and Performance

In this week’s coaching tip, we explore how consumers preferences are rapidly changing, including the evolution from the safety to the convenience economy. 2020 has seen a rapid shift; convenience is now expected and no longer the differentiator it was. Safety and performance are now prevalent in the consumer decision cycle with Covid-19. Now’s the time to perfect your pitch and win.

Ep 239 – Fix your follow-up failure

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through what to do as you close out an appointment. From market appraisals to listings, never sit wondering what to do next. We’ll show you how to close, provide options for follow-up to ensure you’re on track to win the listing.

Ep 238 – The New Era

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan look into what’s driving the smashing of auction reserves in inner-city markets, how to generate more stock given low levels of new listings and how to use fear as a motivator to stay consistent in choppy conditions.

Re-imagine Prospecting

It’s time to define a formula for what you do and how you generate leads. In this week’s Coaching Tip I will help you re-imagine prospecting, build a social network, expand with landlords and past clients, and overall find your strengths and play to them.

The power of case studies

How can you convince buyers to pursue a property and sellers to sell at the highest rates possible? In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you the power of case studies, how to use video for impact, and why this is your number one weapon in today’s marketplace.