Fast Format – September 2020

Get set for Spring, progress your pipeline and win more listings. Let’s make the rest of 2020 count. In a world that’s rapidly changing, you must adapt. This is our time, the time to do great work and to make it as an agent. During the session, you’ll learn: What the best agents are doing to maximise their results during COVID-19, how to set yourself up for an incredible finish to 2020, where to spend your time and energy to get the most results, how to work your pipeline and produce listings now, what to do in your listing presentation to be dynamic and the agent of choice. It’s a Fast Format for a rapidly changing market. It’s time to re-invent. It’s time to own the future.

Data Driven Decisions

Time is powerful, and your diary runs your life. In my Coaching Tip this week I’m talking about making data-driven decisions about where to put your time, energy and resources, and how to teach this strategy to new people joining your business so they get better results.

The Three Meetings: Buyer Hitlist, Potential Seller, Stock Review

Meetings help your business grow faster, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you the three meetings you must have every week to be an amazing agent – buyer hitlist, potential seller, and stock review.

Ep 242 – Core skills and hunger for growth

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss the most common element for any agent that makes it – their hunger for growth. To be seriously good, you have to master the core skills – from prospecting to listing, to negotiation. You never know when or where you’re going to learn something, the secret is to keep showing up.

Getting back the Rhythm

To be an incredible agent, do what great agents do. It’s about getting back the rhythm, and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you how to play at your best through setting intention and routine, and redefining what success looks like for you.

The Chief Energy Officer

CEO is a great business title and in my latest Growth, Leadership and Management Tip you’ll see why it means Chief Energy Officer, especially in these times. I’ll tell you how to make a plan, set intentions for your goals, and get on a new path starting right now.

Ep 238 – The New Era

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan look into what’s driving the smashing of auction reserves in inner-city markets, how to generate more stock given low levels of new listings and how to use fear as a motivator to stay consistent in choppy conditions.

Market share: The ultimate measurement

Market share is the ultimate measurement and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’m talking about winning the market by listing and selling, adapting to change, expanding your pipelines and building momentum that will carry you into the next era.

Have a plan and track your progress

Regardless of market conditions, it’s important that you have a plan and track your progress. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll help you address what you’re doing now at marketing, financial, personal and service levels, and get you set to play a solid game.